Apr 23, 2005 23:20
dude last night rocked amy was singin at the party my bro through an dude every one thought that she was great im happy i talked her into doin it an so is she shes no longer as conceaded as she use to be an i am good i got so shit faced last night i went out side to take a piss in the woods an i got lost for like three hours an i was 20 feet away fromthe house eric found me out there an told me that everyone thought that i left witout sayin ne thing an i was the ass of everyjoke the rest of the night untill mark passed out an got pissed on by my bro then i got off the hook... oh my lil bros out of lock up finally an he lives in athol witch is ten minutes away im jus waitin for him to call so i cango get him an do shit