09-11-09 Remember

Sep 11, 2009 06:45

Repost from 2003..
Scary how very few things have changed..

As I write this it was 2 years ago and I heard about a plane crash on Howard Stern.. I went in to pay my condo fee and when I came out I heard them say another had crashed into the other tower. I then changed to a news station and raced to work. I got 2 calls on my cell asking where I was and when I would be there. I arrived, hooked up the Satellite system to 2 TVS and a crowd piled into my room to watch the world go to hell. We saw the different video as they came in. We were shocked to see a plane totally disappear into the 2nd tower... and generally we were stunned.. We had 2 different networks on but only audio on 1. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that one had shifted to DC and was showing smoke rising in the distance. Imagine our shock when they said the pentagon had been hit. The day preceded to the collapse of the towers and the total devastation. That night I went to my parents house.
Later in October I went to a work weekend at the OTR site. On the way home through the WestVa mountains I heard on the radio that we had invaded Afghanistan. ..
Move ahead 1 year to Sept 11, 2002.
I have been unemployed since the previous November. I spent my day at Marie's farm driving a tractor all day and listening to music. No 9/11 coverage.. just music. I did see a lot of the news/memorials.
Jump forward to Jan 03.
I finally get a job..
09/11/03 Here we are again. This anniversary is much more low key.. I am working so I have a desk and Internet, and TV, etc so I get the full coverage live and on line. It still feels weird, sad, and just strange. Now we are at war in Viet Nam. Oh I mean Iraq .. Viet Nam was in my childhood. but they sound the same.
2 years and we still have not captured / killed Osama or Sadam. Daily we say how close we must be, and monthly we get tapes and video these people send to say they are alive and planning new terror.
What have we gained in 2 years? The economy is bad, lots of people are out of work. +100 Billion dollars have been spent on 2 wars, with little results.. We could have used that money internally to support our own country. No I'm not against the Presidents actions, I just look at them with 2 viewpoints.
So here we are. where will we be next year.. who knows. I hope much better. My recovery started in DEC 01 when I met Melanie.. and in 1 year. I know I will be with her still :)
Peace Shalom
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