Jan 17, 2009 08:59
Everybody is Happy!
As I reflect on 2008, I can say we had a great year:
Blacks are happy; Obama was elected.
Whites are happy, OJ is in jail.
Democrats are happy; George Bush is leaving office.
Republicans are happy: Democrats will finally quit saying
that George Bush stole the election.
And all of us are so happy; The election is finally over!
I think 2009 will be even better: Immediately after his
inauguration, Obama will balance the budget, revive the
economy, solve the real estate problem, solve the auto
industry problem, solve our gas/alternative energy problem,
stop the fires and mudslides in California, ban hurricanes
and tornadoes, stop identity theft, reverse global warming,
find Osama, solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, get rid
of corruption in government and achieve world peace.
Then on the 7th day he will rest