(no subject)

Aug 29, 2010 15:41

lewis, at three thirty in the morning, wasted whilst watching weeds, seeing a character playing a videogame: "call of duty one, activision, 2002. it was a PC-exclusive release; he's playing it on xbox. inaccurate."

wrapped my 10-minute short film (the rough draft of which [eugh it was terrible] i posted a little while ago) two nights ago at midnight. two full days of shooting, form early morning to late night both times. some grueling shit. highlights include all the violence being depicted in silhouette, just because it looks really cool, and my homemade catering, including tacos and pesto.

total of... 9 hours sleep over the past three days. there's a muscle in my leg that won't stop twitching.

we went out and got really drunk last night, got home at three, we had to wake up for lewis' flight at seven. i spoke in my sleep, calling 'action' and 'cut' repeatedly. i can still visualise the shots that i dreamt i was directing.

im waiting until about six pm until i let myself fall asleep, i have to be on set at eight tomorrow and don't want to wake up at 10 pm and not go back to sleep. did that sentence make sense?

umm so yeah, im like drugs tired, seeing things, tingly all over, unale to form coherent thoughts kind of tired.

oh yeah and piranha 3D was the shit. you guys all need to go see it, if only to have a half-eaten dismember penis regurgitated into your face by a prehistoric fish. that is not a joke. that actually happens in that movie. also ving rhames kills a bunch of fish with a shotgun, and then an outboard motor.

OH YEAH and a four minute THREE FUCKING D lesbian underwater sex scene set to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qx2lMaMsl8

more like three DOUBLE D amirite?

ya'll need to pay your extra two fifty for the glasses and watch this shit. literally the most nudity and violence i have ever seen packed into a movie. which should probably mean something coming from me, unless you're really really fucked up.


wow this entry really took a u-turn up there.

wah wah im tired wahwah filming wah wah OMG 3D BOOBIES
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