Dolls, so many dolls ...

Jan 30, 2010 16:47

I knew I'd got quite obsessive with collecting Sindy dolls a few years ago but I really had no idea how bad it was ... until now ... 5 big boxes of stuff and a couple of bags! Oh dear!

So, I've made a decision - I'm keeping all the original 60s and 70s Pedigree era Sindy stuff (why oh why did I let it all go when I was a child?)
I was rather chuffed to discover I have the full ORANGE bathroom set - including the shower and the toilet! hahahaha
And the original bedroom suite. And the caravan (2nd version I think, but I'll need to check) Really, really need the jeep that goes with it!
I have a few other bits and pieces I'd completely forgotten about too - I've spent a happy few hours of discovery hehe
I even have a Paul! *happy bounce* Even if he is the modern one, it still counts!
Wish I could find my knitting patterns though - I used to have quite a few of those ...

So now I have 2 boxes of original furniture that needs cleaning, most of which is still in excellent condition. 3 original Sindys - blond, dark and pink! (I want a redhead dammit!) and 1 new style, just for the sake of it really. Tons of clothes, some of which I (sadly?) know the design name of: Sweet Dreams, Sweet Sunshine, Rainy Days etc etc (is this a bit sad? probably ... but it's a huge part of my childhood so I don't care.)

And I'm going to sell off all the Barbies and various other dolls I have (and try not to spend any money gained buying back all the stuff I still want from ebay). I really didn't realise how many dolls I had - at least 6 Barbies, 3 Kens, Skipper and Stacy, various friends, quite a few Princess dolls too.
All the clothes and furniture items will also go.
Barbie is too damn pink for me, and I like pink so that statement in itself may come as a surprise. Actually, it's not just the pink, it's the vapid plastic smile. Sindy was always my favourite. I think that's why I got rid of most of mine in the early 80s - apart from feeling too grown up for dolls (oh how little did I know!) - this was the point when Sindy moved to Hasbro and had a pink injection. Nothing was quite the same after that.
It's going to be hard parting with some of the others though ... I may keep the odd one ...

and can you believe there isn't a functioning Sindy comm on lj?! how strange!

There is no other tag for this than 'random' - maybe I should have one for 'insanity'?


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