Spring break has been good, just chillen. I feel like I have a lot of things I need to get done - actually I do have a lot of things to get done - but there's not enough time. Ahh..
-Kicked break off Friday with a trip to Emeryville with Agnieszka, fulfilled my pho craving and a bunch of window shopping..
-Saturday Oakland Relays, shitty fucking racing on my part, cried in a bathroom stall after the 1600. Came back and sat with the team for a few hours, always nice. :) Went home, napped, parents took me to
thebitten house for her 17th birthday party, involving her awesome boy from Wisconsin, middle-aged people, Emilia's post-prom 11pm entrance, tossing balloons, smoking some trees, tossing more balloons, and a really good sleep..
The rest is pretty unremarkable. But it's been nice. I drew the only thing I've been proud of drawing for a long, long time
CHECK IT OUT OMG, mmm fanart. I really want to do some Dr. Horrible too. Most of today has been SO lazy, just watching hella old Naruto on the computer and browsing through LJ communities, I gotta break this slump.