Nov 28, 2004 21:22
swear so much high school drama
you people don't know shit
if you don't talk to me anymore... don't pretend like you know anything about me and don't pretend to care because I really don't want to hear your shit....
thanks then
leave my decisions up to me in my life. if any of you really honestly cared you could do a hell of a lot better than pushing me out of your lives and then bitching about how I became such a horrible person
not appreciated.
last night = out with jesse and jason from work... we got fuuucckkeed up then I went over daniels to cuddle (haha figures) for a while. I made out with ed at the mad sin show. sweeet. I think i like him. but yeah I'm kind of confused in the whole boy department but it's great cuz like... i'm unattatched so I don't have to make any decisions now... ummm then out wiht dezz geo chris and stephanie but I got tired so I went home and slept. worked from 11-8. long day. work tommorrow = 4-10. daniel's comming over... probabaly hanging out with dezz and chris if I get untired and lazy. love <3 to those of you that aren't that fucking dumb`