Aug 01, 2008 00:18
The fact that I have writer's block isn't the worst of it. Now I can't stick with a fandom long enough to even think about the first par of a fic! In just a day, I've been through Bad Company, Team Fortress 2, Batman, The Bone Collector, The Boondocks, Land of the Dead, Silent Hill, Bioshock and slash fiction of various celebs (usually bands). Mitch and Dane dwell at the corner of my thoughts and are slowly attempting a takeover to get me back on track, but my brain is a war zone now...
It's really screwing with my ability to filter what little writing I can do...
Well, I'm gonna go watch Foamy or something until I can get my ideas straightened out. Telling them to wait in line just makes them throw bottles and syringes and grenades at me....Is scary
writer's block,