First Post of 2009...Hoo-freakin'-rah.....

Jan 01, 2009 06:55

Yes, I know. A bit less cheery than one would think, it being the start if the brand new year and all.

Nevertheless, I come bearing news, some good, some bad, but all of it about Vee's half of our comedian slash duo: the amazingly bubbly Dane Cook, who, unlike soda, doesn't go flat if you leave it out of the fridge all night....Yeah, I know that joke was lame. Anyways:

Good news: He's still hot. Even TMZ, who seems to have it out for him like others, thinks so.

Bad News: His brother Darryl, the same bro who got him his first job at Burger King, is still a dick....but this time he went too far.

I feel bad now...great, first day of the new year and I have to be a total freakin' downer....Sorry guys, I felt this was important....

dane cook, news, first day

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