Sep 10, 2006 21:34
hey everybody, i sorry i haven't update in a while, its been like 6 days. And i know you must read the beautiful words that i write everyday. Anyway, i would like you let you know that after 2 years of fucking hard ass gym sessions. I have SUCCESSFUL! GAIN BACK ALL THE MUTHA FUCKA WEIGHT I LOST! For one day i did weigh 198, now i weight 252 which is the fucking shit! After all the fucking hard word i did and sweating within a few inches of my life and the wonderful injuries and muscle pain (you remember those days i couldn't close my arm) i made doing all the shit, i'm back to square one. I'm starting a new diet this time i'm gonna stick to it because not only will not lose the weight, i will fail english my senior year because it gonna be mutha fucking project. 2 things are on the line and i fucking love pressure. I'm going for starving Epthiopian look, i want the fucking lowest body fat percentage possible. I want to be a fucking twig, oh yes lol. I'm doing the gym, writing down my calorie intake, sleep on the floor to a line my back properly, doing yoga i got some dvds, i will learn the wonderful art of Kama Sutra because i figured since i usually get laid once a year, i might as well make it go on for hours maybe even a day or so. It's smart think right because i'll be more flexible so i can do all types of things with my new body, so ladies take note. Peace