got a new scam drama unfolding! YESSSSSS.
Here's what they wrote to me and below that is my response:
> Subject: [SPAM] For Our Mutual Benefits.
> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 21:56:05 +0100
> To:
> Dearest one,
> I write you with sincerity of purpose.I got your email contact through your country's email directory and I decided to write you for our mutual benefits as contained below.
> Kindly accept my sincere apologies if my mail does not meet your personal ethics. I will introduce myself as Mr.CHOL CHON
> My position as a principal director in Asian Pacific Regional Clearing House has made me to have access to files and products that can help us authenticate this claim in good faith as contained below.
> In April 2006, Lu Yunpeng, a multimillionaire and president of Henan-based Yunpeng Cultural Development Co. Ltd China moved some cash through our clearing house system from Europe . The fund arrived in South East Asia during the time Lu Yunpeng was been tried for murder in China .
> As his account officer he instructed that I should put a hold on the fund that was supposed to go to China pending on the outcome of his trial..
> In May 2006 he was sentenced to death and the fund remained unclaimed till date. As his account officer I was aware that nobody knows about this fund movement except his cousin who was also sentenced to death with him.Since then ,I have been searching on whom to trust so that he will collaborate with me and claim this money as next of kin to my late customer.
> I want to utilize this opportunity and make use of this fund with you. I want to work with you on it. The amount involved is in millions of U S Dollars and I will tell you the exact figure when I hear from you.
> This transaction is totally free of risk and troubles as the fund is legitimate and does not originate from drug, money laundry, terrorism or any other illegal act. On receipt of your response I will furnish you with detailed clarification as it relates to this mutual benefit transaction.
> You are my first contact. I shall wait for three(3) days and if I do not hear from you, I shall look for another person.
> Sincerely,
> chol chon
My response:
O--M--G, dude, it is like soooo serendipitious that you emailed me. 'Cause you know how you're a part of an Asian Clearing House? I totally used to be connected to a Publishers' Clearing House, and I had MAD connections there, okay? I was supposed to be a millionaire through that clearing house and they did nothing but jerk me around and make empty promises after I bought 18 magazine subscriptions. But you, you, I have to admit you sound like a trustworthy person.
as for that Lu Yunpeng person, I say stick him in jail! Who needs him?! I can't believe what a lousy legal system you must have if a multi millionaire can't buy his way out of a dumb murder conviction. He'd have WAY better luck over here on our side of the pond.
The money deal sounds really really cool--I gotta check with my dad cause he does this thing w/Swiss Bank accounts, which I don't get cause we're not even Swiss, right? But whatever, that sounds like a good possibility. Hit me up, homeskillet and I'll see what I can do!
Your partner in finance, DUDE!
Ms. Flatula Ence'.
We'll see how it goes.