In the life of Lauren

Jun 09, 2007 13:14

So this is where I stand right now.

-IL in undoubtedly unhealthy for me. If it weren't for a few good friends I'd never come back here.
          -This is why I've chosen to do my best and spend as little time in this town as possible. Anyone who wants to see me better talk to me soon or else they're gonna miss out. (CO, TX and Sweden are on my list)
          -Unless something very drastic happens, I won't be coming back next year. This is my last "summer" where I don't have to be doing internships and stuff. Plus next year is my year to visit my bro in San Fran.
          -This place is ridiculously unhealthy for me and I'm not just going to bitch about it and do nothing....I'm not one of those people who always complains about the hard choices and never makes them...I know I'm the one in charge of my life.
    -Work is a love/hate kind of thing for me. I love the people, but I hate the sales part. I'd rather stick to a corner and file than try and sell someone something they have no use for. I feel so dirty about that stuff. And I don't feel like I'm a useful part of society...which is why I picked the majors I did...BTW I'm in ChemE and Geology now.
    -Really if you don't want to be friends then that's fine. To all who I feel this applies, you don't have a clue who I am and assuming the things you do is just stupid. I'm not shy, I'm blunt and I have a dry sense of humor. So if I tell you something, it's not a game, I mean it.
    -I have some really tough shit on my plate. I may not be trying to ruin everyones day with it, I may be keeping what it is to myself, but I'm still going through a really scary thing for me. This is just a warning for everyone (except Pascal cause he knows, please don't ask him about it)...I'm on edge a bit. If I seem moody there is a totally valid reason for it. I'm trying my best to keep in at a minimum but sometimes I just can't. So if I flip out and apologize, the apology is from my heart. I really don't mean to snap at anyone but it may happen.
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