Mar 07, 2013 14:30
It's March, and my SAD progresses. I took an exhaustion-day from work today and slept forever. Now have caffeine withdrawal, since I need it to combat the no energy thing. Yes, I'm exercising. I'm eating okay. Can improve that a bit, but it's not...I have been running out of sun and that's kind of nuts. DST starts this weekend. The worst is likely now or past. I tend to get more introverted and self-absorbed during this year-time. Soon I'll titrate my meds down. Yeah.
Since I got back from Seattle, I've mostly been doing errands. Taxes. Learning PHP at work. Working on a character generator and CRUD applications. Playing Atelier Meruru and starting Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. Reading trashy novels.
Despite feeling depressed, I am happy. Life is pretty full. Tea is tasty (John managed to combine tea and Pokemon when he devised a great labeling schematic). The snow comes down in a stately fashion, annoying but not enough to disrupt tomorrow's work. Unless my brain is still shot then.
Have been listening to some great new-to-me music lately- Front Line Assembly's Airmech, Assemblage 23's Bruise, bits and bobs by Mesh, Pinnick Gales Pridgen, and giggling at the Vitamin String Quartet.
That's the end of my energy for now.