Lately, I've been thinking of this stuff a lot.
Please answer these questions if you like, I am genuinely curious as to perceptions on these issues, as I don't talk about this a lot. Hopefully the optional nature of this survey makes it less uncomfortable for others. You are encouraged to post anonymously if you wish. All comments will be screened unless you specify otherwise, and I will not reply to any comments unless you specify that I should.
My personal answers will be posted in several days.
Here racism is defined as prejudice and discrimination based on race (regardless of who is discriminating for or against what).
1) If you are white, do you feel guilty about racism or white people owning slaves in the past?
2) If you are white, do you feel resentful about the mistakes of your forebears with regards to race? If you are not, are you resentful about the mistakes of dead white people regarding race?
3) If you are white, do you feel like media or other culture is trying to push guilt on you for being white? If you are not, do you feel this is true for white people?
4) Do you think black North Americans have higher or lower quality of life than a) black South Americans? b) black sub-Saharan Africans? c) North Africans? d) European Africans?
5) Have you seen racism (any kind) on the street?
6) Have you seen racism (any kind) at the workplace?
7) Have you seen racism (any kind) at school?
8) Have you ever had racism directed at you?
9) Have you ever guessed a person's race from simply hearing his or her voice? Here I am talking about native English speakers, not Mrs. Wang from Shanghai who moved here 20 years ago.
10) Do you believe that "gangsta culture" is a problem that black people are trying to divorce themselves from? Either way, do you have any suggestions on how one would go about such?
11) There is one county in America where the median income of people identifying themselves as black is higher than the self-identified white population. Where do you think it is, and what factors would you guess contribute to it?
12) Which of the following terms do you use: colored, black, brown, mulatto, African-American, Afro-American, Asian, white, nonwhite, Caucasian, Hispanic, Latino/a?
13) Do you believe that zoot suits should be worn by all races?
14) Do you know of any non-GTA, non sports games featuring protagonists that are neither white nor Japanese?
15) Do you think you could do BET better than it's currently being done? How?
16) Would you date somebody not of your own race? Marry him/her? Have you actually done so? Did your parents?
17) What's the official language of the United States of America? What do you think it should be? What are the countries with the highest number of English-speakers? Is Ebonics humorous or dangerous? Is Spanglish necessary or problematic?
18) Explain why Obama is viewed as black with a white mother rather than white with a black father. How do you feel about this phenomenon?
19) How do you feel about medications and medical advice being targeted at certain races?
20) Any other thoughts relating to these questions? Or, do you have one for me?