distanced ramblings...*whispers* meet me in montauk

Apr 28, 2013 23:01

No words could explain what's really going on inside. I know you would get it. Only you. But you are gone. Almost as if it never were. Perhaps I imagined it all. Either way you will probably never see this. And even if you did, I will never know. It sucks. I need what we had. (I like to pretend you do too) its all I've ever needed. No one else gets it. I wonder if u even still get it? I'd like to think u still do. But that's what hurts. There is no means to ever know. I'm pathetic. I've let life get to where it is. I'm not sure I even wanna call it life. Life...to live...living...am I even really doing that? Are we? I suppose at times, but its so fleeting. Auto pilot with the occassional glitch. So much has changed. And yet so much hasn't. A life wasted. Love wasted. Those are the true trageties! That and the fact I can't remember how to spell trageties!
I can stare at this blinking cursor all day and still be unable to fully express what I need to.
But I know you know. YOU HAVE TO! tell me its so!
A missed connection.
Oh craigslist...
I will wait.
To infinity and beyond!
Meet me in montauk?
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