Jul 28, 2005 03:02
Can anyone tell me why Im listening to the White Stripes??? wtf.
there was a song of theirs downloaded on my comp by i dont know who. and out of utter boredum i downloaded more shit, just to see what they sound like...why. i dont know.
and some porn...meh.
and no im downloading the final episode of buffy. bc ive been thinkin alot lately about how i havent seen it, and I feel i need closure. HA!
when i was like 13/14 i was addicted to that show. i could never miss an episode. but then after they took angel off, and did his spinoff, the whole scripting got REALLY bad (which now that i look back i realize it was all kinda corny n such, but at that age i didnt notice. meh) I stopped watching it completely. now in the past week ive read in like three ppls journals about the finale. which now i feel i need to see it for some closure, and out of sheer curiosity to how they ended it.
oh and i think i finally might have figured out the music video i recall seeing from when i was really young, and didnt know who it was. *crosses fingers* we will find out when its done downloading.
so ya. this is how i spend my nights. what a loser...i know.
so people. give me a good song to download that i probably havent heard and should. just nothing country (which oh goddess, i hope theres no one on my list that listens to that shit), and preferably not rap. unless you feel i really need to hear it.