Inauguration day

Jan 20, 2009 10:35

Today is Inauguration day, lots of scrutiny will fall on Obama to see if he can pull us out of the last 8 years. I don't think any one person can fix all that easily, but can definitely lay the foundation for change, and if he gets a second term well, hell - he might just be able to do it. Then all we can hope is that the next guy won't screw everything up - horribly.

in other news, I got promoted at my job - I'm only the shift lead at the moment, but when the store manager is gone (which is 5 days a week) I'm in charge. I'm working 10 days straight, I'm not to happy with it, but money is money - and I need to get my mind off of a few things.

My brother finally got a job which is GREAT - Game tester at Activision.

I'm starting to think that I'm not meant or allowed to be in relationships - Still with Phil, been almost two years, but I think I'm just defective or something. I don't know what to do anymore. Everything has just been so overwhelming, with work, money, my computer has completely frazzled on me (I'm borrowing my dad's laptop) have to pay my school loan, have to take cat to vet, pay for vet visit and pay for all her kitty shots, eventually need to find a car, need a whole new motherboard, power source, and figure out if my video card still works, if it doesn't I need to buy a new one, need new clothes T-T I need to buy jeans, i only have two wearable pairs to take to work (No holes allowed in jeans, and a lot of my jeans have holes in like - the knees because of years of wear).

One step at a time with all of this doesn't seem easy at all, because when one thing comes up - everything else comes up.

Just got to breathe.....breaaattheee....
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