[13.00: Static]

Oct 20, 2008 10:44

[His voice is weary from blood loss and strained from the pain. Sounds ever so slightly delerious, but no less savage and cruel.]

Redd... y'better hope I never find out what deck you're on. Fuckin' pray. Bloody coward.As for th'rest of you... buncha milk sops on this fuckin' boat. I'd a'thought better of some of you. Or worse. Whatever ( Read more... )

!redd, ouch, !cadence, fuckin' arm, those responsible will pay

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[Text] chorusangel October 20 2008, 18:04:35 UTC
I hope you learnt your lesson. It's wrong to hurt people.


[Static] psychoticracer October 20 2008, 20:28:58 UTC

You WATCH your goddamn MOUTH, bitch. I won’t be stuck in here forever.


[Text] chorusangel October 20 2008, 20:36:14 UTC
You're even worse than him.


[Static] psychoticracer October 20 2008, 20:39:42 UTC
Rather hope so.


[Text] chorusangel October 20 2008, 20:41:54 UTC
You shouldn't. Nobody wants to be like Erik.

Please don't hurt anyone else.


[Static] psychoticracer October 20 2008, 20:44:43 UTC
No idea who you're talking about, but I think I might like them.

You ARE a naive little thing aren't you. If ASKING me not to hurt people would work, do you think I'd still be doing it?



[Text] chorusangel October 20 2008, 20:50:58 UTC
Maybe you simply haven't been asked in the right way yet.

Erik would not like you. He has morals.


[Static] psychoticracer October 20 2008, 22:50:49 UTC
Ah well then, he and I would part ways at that.

You think you’re the right person to ask me, are you?

Well go on, give it a go.



[Text] chorusangel October 21 2008, 02:38:39 UTC
Please, will you stop hurting people? I don't know why you do it, but surely you can see that you're causing so much unnecessary pain, hurting not just one person but many. Can't you see that it will end badly for you? You can't possibly run and hide from everyone on the ship, and they all sound like they are out for your blood.

I don't think I am the right person to ask this, but what I do know is that bullies hurt people to cover things up.

What are you hiding by hurting people?


OH he's enjoying this. psychoticracer October 21 2008, 02:56:27 UTC
Oh, I'm... I'm causing PAIN? Pain which is unecessary? And... hurting more than ONE person! You don't say! Why I had no IDEA! I thought I could just... keep running forever!

And I... [dramatic sniff] I never knew my mother... and my father, he - he beat me...


Stifled snicker.

Mocking laughter.]

Ah ha - oh dear MAR, I can't keep that up - ha HAH!! No, but don't get discouraged, please do continue trying, this is MOST amusing.

At this rate I'll be happily occupied until they let me out of here.


[Text] Really? I'd never have guessed. XD chorusangel October 21 2008, 03:02:01 UTC
You... You enjoy hurting people? That's just...

Fine. I will keep trying. I'll do whatever it takes to convince you.

Wouldn't it be more fufilling and enjoyable to be able to get along with people? When you have friends, you have people who care about you, people who will do anything for you.

Do you have any friends?


[Static] YARLY psychoticracer October 21 2008, 03:11:05 UTC
Oh, does it GET any better than this? I must have done SOMETHING spectacular to deserve this. Perhaps I did a good deed by accident sometime. Er - *ahem*

No no, I'm a terribly lonely soul I'm afraid. Never had a friend in my life. Do... do you suppose that's why I'm driven to hurt others?

[can barely contain the smirk in his voice which shows through the exaggerated play-acting]


[Text] Christine will persevere until she wins. chorusangel October 21 2008, 03:16:49 UTC
You're not taking any of this seriously, are you?

And yes, I do think that's the reason. A reason, at least.

Try having a friend, just for comparison. How can you know that it's better to be horrible when you haven't tried being nice?


[Static] Christine may be at this for a long time psychoticracer October 21 2008, 03:43:31 UTC
Damn! [snaps fingers] You figured it out. What tipped you off?

... Of COURSE that's not the reason, you simplistic idiot. Dear god, were you raised under a rock?

Very well, I'll enlighten you. Being "nice" never got me ANYTHING I ever wanted. I derive genuine pleasure from hurting people, and being "nice" genuinely makes me feel ILL.

Anyway. Who'd want to be friends with me after what I've done?

[C'mon, take the bait take it take it takeit]


[Text] She's taking it =/ chorusangel October 21 2008, 03:48:16 UTC
Maybe you weren't nice to the right people. Haven't you noticed how many people on this ship are nice and very happy? How can you enjoy causing pain?


I would. I'll help you. I'll be your friend.


[Static // Locked] This has made Erol's WEEK. psychoticracer October 21 2008, 04:09:32 UTC
Well, I... it's the only thing I've ever enjoyed. Gives me a sort of warm feeling. You know?

If you knew half the things I've done, you wouldn't want to be.

.... what's your name?

[Oh yes, this would keep him happily occupied for quite some time. When was the last time he got to toy around with an innocent? Of course... he'd not be able to go ALL the way, if he wanted to keep that deal with the healer... but it would, if nothing else, keep him from being bored while in the brig]


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