[Of all the people - of ALL the people - to be the first one in two years after Erol to rape someone, it was Jinx. This lifts his mood considerably, if temporarily. He's spent long enough hiding how much Razer's disappearance wounded him; now it's time to hurt someone else.]
I would say it's always whom you least expect, but, well. There is me
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[There's no condemnation or judgment in her tone. Her words are filled with curiosity, just as she said she was. Apparently all sorts of bad people on board this ship fascinate Riley.]
[Translation: he says what's necessary to get what he wants, regardless of truthiness.]
But I've never been particularly apologetic.
That does sound in line with your personality...
[She pauses a moment before continuing. What follows is a comment which he can choose to explain or not. Riley figures it's a better move than to ask him if everything is alright.]
...you've been awfully quiet lately, by the way. I had begun to wonder if you'd disappeared.
... No. I'm still here.
[The "unfortunately" is left unsaid. He's already snapped at Giselle for daring to offer generic condolences to anyone who's lost someone, so it ought not to be too difficult to figure out what's bothering him, if the inflection wasn't enough.]
[That seems the best way to phrase what she's thinking. She has her moments of stupidity, but poking at the psychopath isn't a great idea if she's not in the mood for he second death just yet.]
That depends on how distracting you think you can be.
Not to be annoying and hedge around things, but I can usually roll with the punches. If you have something specific in mind, now's the time to tell me what you're in the mood for.
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