Sydney likes to make out with random guys around campus like she’s a Romance sim and not a Knowledge sim. I’m surprised that no one had caught her doing it.
(Check out my new default skins. Awesum, rite?)
Where is your best friends status symbol? |:
Fleur: Hey Sydney, does your friend here like video games?
Sydney: Ahaha, of course he does~
Dormie: Bu-
Sydney: Smile and nod, dude. Just smile and nod.
And then I gave everyone slight makeovers, so please excuse the makeover spam.
/end makeover spam.
Sudenly, Ginger decides that she doesn’t like Julia very much.
Not a very smart move on her part. The number one rule to knowing Julia is that you must never cross her.
Sydney kept rolling all these stupid wants for ANARCHY all throughout college, which is really silly considering there’s no way ANARCHY can visit.
Fleur: -sadwalks to class because she’s playful as hell and class is duuuuumb-
Another Dormie: Can someone get Mopey Bitch out of the way so I can go eat? /:
I need to start looking for a suitable suitor(lol) for Julia.
Goddamnit, stop giving me old men. What does Julia look like to you, matchmaker? One of the Caliente sisters?
I don’t think you should be rolling those kinds of wants while you’re on a date with someone else. Just sayin’.
Sydney, no one wants to hear you brag about your boring self.
This is all Ewan’s fault, they clearly inherited his failtastic roller skating skills.
Fleur got it hardcore.
Yet Another Dormie: I win, I win~ :D
Oh shit you better run.
Okay, I don’t know squat about Sim City, but if colliding into cars and trucks multiple times is what Fleur thinks is correct driving, then she is never going to get a car.
I originally bought this for one of Sydney’s stupid wants thinking it’d get rid of all the ANARCHY related wants(it didn’t), yet everyone in the dorm is committed to bothering it. Especially Ginger, who sat there all night with it.
I think I named the bird Squakerson or something.
Ginger: So you’re saying you’ve never had any experience in giving other people makeovers, let alone on how to use blush properly, and you say that you can get it right on the first try?
Fleur: Yes! Oh, also there are these scissors that I’m going to use, but not really so it’s all good. :D
Ginger: …
Ginger: Sounds legit.
You look ~beautiful~
Dormie: That one black-haired chick is so ugly even though we’re both in the bathroom and I can’t see her, but I can smell her ugly from miles away so that’s how I know.
Sydney: … why do I talk to you again?
Both Fleur and Ginger get engaged and I know this is going to just make the legacy house even more full by the time this is done, but WHO CARES.
I found the person that is making Sobfest McCracken sad. ]:
Ugh, I was waiting for Julia to roll this want, but seeing as they’re already this far into college there really is no point in moving them.
Which is a shame because I wanted to see Naomi terrorizing Ewan's children.
Fleur: Um, so I really hate ghosts and stuff because they’re scary and I never want to see one ever. ]:
Sorry bb, you’re a legacy heir. That comes with the package.
Squakerson is now Julia’s Attack Bird. NEVER. CROSS. HER.
Squakerson: Enemies must be destroyed, enemies must be destroyed!
Another Dormie: … ahaha, uh…
My sims need to stop building snowman in weird places, like way behind the dorm.
Julia: Oh, it looks like I’m going to have to call you back, sorry~ Two idiots in suits were fighting just now and one of them got their ass kicked.
And so, Julia starts spreading the information about that fight to her followers.
She kicks a kick out of ruining people’s lives, methinks.
Julia: Do I have to play chess? It’s so boring!
Look, I’m not the one who decided it’d be cool for you to have ten Playful points and a hobby for Games. You decided that all on your own, bitch.
Fleur: Oh my GOD, Sydney! Can you move out of the way so I can eat my grilled cheese in the kitchen?!
Sydney: As soon as I can remember how to walk down stairs, why is this so boggling?!
I sent everyone Downtown for some FAMILY FUN OUTING TIME and Fleur promptly tried to impress Izaya with her school cheer.
He thought she was terrible.
So Fleur did the next best thing and showed this Townie her special little dance.
He thought she was terrible.
Julia: Yeah, I know I have best friends and all of that shit, but I really could care less about them in particular. The focus is supposed to be about me, you see?
Joshua: Uh, well-
Julia: In all honesty, they’re just a bunch of rats waiting to be fed cheese.
Joshua: I think-
Julia: And I have all the cheese. All of it.
Joshua: … |:
Sydney is still boring, watching her movie about magical fairy children.
Fleur: That’s not how fairies are like! Cassius says-
Sydney: It’s a movie, Fleur.
Fleur: An inaccurate movie! I mean, what on earth are they doing are they having a pillow fight?
Fleur is EXTRMLY bewildered.
Oh My God, Another Dormie: This is the most disgusting piece of filth my eyes have ever seen! It enrages me to my very core, ugh!
Fleur’s Artwork: -is still hated- ]:
This picture would be more awesum if it weren’t for the raining and thundering.
Sydney: MY BASS!!! D8;;
Fleur: Oh hey, you were just playing that instrument a couple seconds ago. Boy, you sure are lucky! :D
Nice timing, bro.
Fleur: Don’t worry, I can put the fire out with all this bird food appearing out of my hand!
Julia really likes to talk about rats.
Ginger: Why is your sister and some random guy making out in my room?
Fleur: Ummm, I’d ask her but she looks sorta busy.
The Coach did appear every once in awhile, but whenever he did he walked up to one of the girls and then suddenly left the lot like asking them to work out was going to be a Bad Idea.
I think Ewan really did scar him for life.
Graduation time~! It’s nice that I now have two sims that can actually do this interaction, it’s so silly.