What the hell time is it, anyway?

Jan 22, 2009 21:34

Woke up this morning (?) at 5:00 in order to get a (mostly) free ride to the airport. Grandma's neighbor happened to have a flight today, so she offered to let me share the limo, as it's paid for by her work. So it only cost me $5 to tip the driver.

Got to the airport around 6:00, and went and checked my luggage. Then security. There was an absurdly long line, but it went quickly, so I had about 2 hours to kill before my plane took off. After boarding, the flight was marginally delayed for plane-defrosting, but it didn't take very long, and I was able to make it to Minneapolis-St. Paul in due time.

Got onto my connecting flight to Anchorage only to discover I was in the middle of three seats. Fab. At least my seat mates are nice. So now I'm in Seward, wondering what the hell the time is, and not sure if I should try and sleep yet or not.

Further updates to come.
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