(no subject)

May 13, 2008 22:31

So I spent much of today doing nothing. Slept until late. I need to work on that. I have a comparatively early shift at work tomorrow, and I'll actually have to haul my lazy ass out of bed before noon. Fun.

I've decided that I need to get up earlier and try to be productive. I don't know exactly what I'll be doing, but it'll be productive. I'll probably start research for my novel. Once I get one committed to paper, the others will be easier. Or so I keep telling myself. All this downtime needs to get filled with something. I will be studying for the GREs, which I have to take at some point.

Watched the Pens game (yay, victory!), and played a game of scrabble with my cousin on facebook. I don't really have much else to say because I haven't done anything today.
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