This is the future, and the future sucks.

Apr 18, 2008 13:42

So I'm (once again) in the Chatham library, at the computer I've pretty much claimed for the duration. I'm sitting with the computer and my laptop in front of me, and I have the ergonomic keyboard holder (which is kinda like a console) to the side, and it makes me feel like I'm in Star Trek. Which just proves how loopy a lack of sleep makes me.

To Do List of Doom
01.Work on literature review. Done (and I'm pretty happy with it)!
02.Collect data. As done as it's getting.
03.Crunch numbers.
04.Results and discussion section of tutorial.
05.Cover page and format tutorial. Done, with the exception of table of contents.
06.Mayanot essay (fears)
07.Long Shakespeare paper. Two short Shakespeare papers (Thanks Dr. Bruckner!)
08.Find more costumes/props for scene team project.
09.Criminalistics paper
10.(Maybe?) Memorize a monologue for bonus points on Shakespeare final
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