Meme I was tagged for a while ago

Dec 19, 2007 13:13

This is something like 7 random facts about me. That's...about it.

1) I have a crazy metabolism, and my friends hate me for it. Maybe it won't last much longer, but for years now I've been able to eat whatever I want without consequence...if I start to gain a little weight, all I have to do is eat a few salads and work out a little in my own time and I can get in shape again. The drawback to this is I burn calories so fast that I'm hungry a LOT, and I need to eat and therefore I spend way more money on food than anyone else I know.

2) I alternate regularly between two extremes of self-esteem: conceit and utter self-loathing. Probably everyone does this to an extent, but I find people are rarely willing to admit that it's such a fluctuation. If they are more arrogant than not, they'll play it off like they're arrogant all the time, and if they usually feel bad about themselves, the times in which they're proud of something they sort of squash down as insignificant. I try not to show either when I feel them because I know how obnoxious it can be; I try to remain in a relatively neutral, humble yet confident state, but I freely admit that sometimes I feel like I've got absolutely nothing going for me, and other times I feel like I'm friggin' awesome.

3) I grind my teeth. I probably even do it in my sleep. It's a horrible habit, and it gets to really hurt my jaw, but it's very difficult to stop.

4) I have a lot of lust for people when I'm not getting any. I check out guys all the time, and it's pretty powerful...I usually tell the person I'm with when I think someone I see is cute. But when it comes down to it...somehow the real thing never stacks up to my fantasies of sex. I really think it's me and not the other person, some weird ass psychological crap, but I just don't get that into it like I hear other people do. It's sort of like that I'm lonely and I always want a boyfriend, except when I have a boyfriend and I'm appreciative, but I kinda miss my time to myself.

5) I love breaking stereotypes. Especially in the Midwest, where I now attend school, not everyone has been exposed to a lot of diversity, so preconceived notions of certain groups are common. So I like to show people that even though I'm gay and Jewish, I'm more of a work horse than most people I know, and I'm stronger than I look. It was very satisfying for me to beat my 6'4" ex-Air Force friend in an arm wrestle, and equally so to hear one of the other scene design guys come to my defense when I was getting a lot of ribbing one night for being a homo, saying, "Evan and I were walking on the side of the road, lost on the wrong side of Prague at 2 in the morning, and I felt FINE."

6) I do cry at movies though. I'll admit it. It's the orchestrations in conjunction with drama that gets me. I sobbed the first time I saw RENT, and Children of Men got me choked up both times I saw it, and the boat scene in The Fellowship of the Ring STILL can bring a few tears to my eyes, after 15+ viewings.

7) I've owned an IPod for 5 months now and I've never used it. I should get on that.
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