Writer's Block: Close Call

May 21, 2009 17:08

I've been in 2 serious car accidents in my life and I never broke any bones or had any serious lasting injuries. The first was in 1995 when I was working at a guest ranch just outside of Jackson Hole Wyoming. To get to the ranch you have to drive for a couple of hours on a windy road with lots of washboards. Well, being the smart person that I am (insert sarcasm) I was trying to find a radio station and was not watching the road and ended up rolling the car off a cliff. Fortunately for me a group of trees stopped the car before it rolled into the lake. I ended up with a seatbelt bruise, stitches behind my ear, a few cuts and scrapes, and had to see a chiropractor for my neck, but that was it. It was my oldest sisters car though, and she has never let me forget it.

The second one was in 1999 when I was driving my mom, younger sister and future brother-in-law home from a volleyball game in Park City (about an hour and a half drive from my hometown). We were about 30 minutes from home when I slammed into a 7 point elk. OMG that thing was HUGE. Fortunately we were all in seatbelts so we all had seatbelt bruises and me and my mom got scratches from the airbags and a little bit of glass in our eyes.  When the cops came they were amazed because looking at the van they thought that whoever was in the front seats was either dead or severely injured.

Since then I've had a few minor fender-benders but nothing that serious. I must have an invisible force field protecting me or something. :P
Or I'm just being extra careful now.

Love and hugs to all,


writer's block

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