Dec 26, 2004 23:09
Christmas this year was good. Before Christmas sucked. Being out of school is boring. I left for my mom's new house Christmas Eve. We went over to my other grandma's house where my cousins, aunts and uncles were. There we opended presents and ate really good food.
Christmas morning I woke up to my cell phone ringing. It was christine. She bitched about how I wasnt there and everything. I proceeded to open the rest of my presents. Both nights presents are as follows:
Victoria secret bathrobe(and no it isnt what you think)
$50 dillards card
$150 card to the mall
$50 card to the mall
$50 to victoria secret
$100 dollar bill
another $100 dollar bill
ps2 game
new gameboy advance with a case thingie to go with it
watch keychain thing
chocolate.. lol
victoria secret stuff
a game
2 sets of pjs
My mom got an outdoor fireplace lol
I have more stuff from Christine that I havent opended yet because I havent seen the skank. I hope everyone had a good christmas!
After presents we went back to my other grandparents to have dinner. Damn, food was good! My cousin Mandy who is 20, decided we should see Meet the fockers with her mom, dad, and her friend Savannah and her boyfriend. When we got there it was sold out so we waited around an hour so we still got to see it. It was funny but not as funny as the first. It was VERY sexual. Mandy drove me home afterwards. She's awesome.
Today my mom and mike went to super walmart and then they took me back home. I had a pretty good weekend. Now it's back to being bored with nothing to do. Hopefully me and christine are going to go shopping tomorrow and spend all my gift cards. w00t.