Nov 26, 2009 00:43
Most days I find myself skipping along that line called present that divides the past and future. I often find myself playing a bit of hopscotch. Where I'm dangerously dancing along the past side of the line. And as hard as I may try, it seems to be my default setting. Thinking mostly on the what-ifs and not the what are's of today. What is in my life perfectly in front of my eyes. This isn't what I intended nor do I know how to turn it away. I guess the most I could do is talk to someone. But the thought of burdening anyone of what I'm thinking or feeling when they have enough on their plates is enough to keep me locked up. My thoughts are selfish at best. My regrets, my guilts. It isn't right to have those feelings but I can't drive them out of my head.
Poking and prodding at a bruise that will not seem to heal.