Every man wants a wife like me!

Aug 22, 2009 16:09

So today, despite my back STILL hurting, I NEEDED to get stuff done while Halfy and I were both up and being productive. So I switched over the laundry and then was DETERMINED to get some more trim done. So I left Halfy inside with the girls (He had been mowing the lawn and came in to cool down a bit) and I went out to the garage/workshop with my mitre box and hand saw grabbed some of the uncut trim and went at it. I cut the trim for around the basement door as well as the front and back doors. I Just need to cut the trim for around the back of the bathroom door and the main floor trim will be done. Then we only need to do the trim around 5 doors upstairs and all the trim inside will be done. I am trying to figure out a way to do the baseboards as well but just getting the trim done will make the house look SOOOOO much more awesome!

My goal right now is to get the house looking as AWESOME as possible so that when we put it on the market in Jan/Feb we can say "Look what we did!" and it shows better and sells quickly for what we are asking for it. we want to ask almost $30K more than what we paid for it last year so we have to make it look as nice as possible. I would LIKE to install our woodstove but it's expensive to install. it saddens me because I would REALLY like to install it before winter.
anyway Rina is up and Kalli should be getting up soon. Halfy just got back with the new faucet for the kitchen as well (I Accidentally broke our current one) and I want to install that so I should go and get some more done.
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