FF13 and Movie

Mar 09, 2010 01:17

So I was driving home from a friends house, and I dropped Mary off home and we had to pass Game Stop, where there were about 300 people standing outside.  Soon there will be yelling, shoving and fights breaking out.  Yes, it is 1am in the morning on March 9th and Final Fantasy 13 is officially out in the U.S.!  I have to say I'm pretty jealous.   I wanted that game sooo bad!  The storyline and graphics look amazing!  I unfortunately don't have the money to buy myself a playstation 3 or an xbox...DAMN!   But I guess it's a good thing, because when I get into a game..I get into a game!  I would be on it until the wee hours of the morning, and be on it first thing in the morning when I woke up.  I would play it until it was time to go to work, I would play it until it was time to go to Taekwondo!  It's the same way when I get a book I'm really into.  So I figure that maybe when nationals are over and fall hits, maybe I'll save the money up for it.  It will be something to do when I get stuck in the house for next winter. Anyway I'll give it about a month or less before people are posting cutscenes on Utube.
Mary had this idea that Square Enix should make a game based on the remnants.  Oh dear, I can't even imagine the insantiy of the fan girls if that were to ever happen!  It would be fantastic though!  Then I had a thought that they should make Advent Children again, but  a real movie, meaning with real people...actors.  Can you imagine seeing the boys on the big screen?  In real life form? So long as they make the actors look as close to the boys as possible, and they get there mannerisms down.  Oh man there has to be a director/producer out there that would be willing to take that on...PLEASE?!
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