Haha I swear I can feel my ears bleeding. And my eyes hurt.
I should turn my music down maybe but whatever.
Today sucked.
Gym class was...gym class. Icky. I hope I'm passing. I'm not going for an "A". I just want to get it over with. At lunch I had to work on my wood carving print thingy. So far I have not severed any fingers. YESSSSS. Drew said he saw my DeviantArt and that I am frightening.
Well...I guess my art is getting scarier.
(FFTL fanartishness)
At least I draw stuff instead of killin' people or
putting babies on spikes.The opening of the art show is on Friday! I'll go because they have cheese but the picture I had to submit was the scary fish lady one and it gives me nightmares. Not to mention anyone who looks at it as well. But maybe it will be rad like last year, where Jerrid and I stalked each other through the gallery and then he somehow found out my email adress days later and hunted me down? Whee.
Math was pretty gross because I coulnd't finish my homework last...week. And I didn't understand a word the teacher was saying. It didn't make sense to me today. As usual. As of lately. I'm screwed because we have a ton of homework and a quiz on it. There was someone sitting on my head, I bet.
Deb wants me to come over and fix her hair because she murdered it while trying to cut it herself but I can't, haha. ._.
Last night I gave up on the whole math business and painted a picture. Of a Geisha. For Nishi's. Because I was supposed to do it a loooong time ago but I'm a lazyface. It's almost done, hooray hoorah.
And the Death Cab for Cutie CD isn't emo shit as I had expected, it's good. Really good. And my grandma thinks their name sucks.
I'm tired. I fell asleep in math class today, which is probably one of the reasons it didn't make sense.
But it's pretty weird I used to get A's in math and now I'm just sucking at it. MAYBE MOVING UP ONE GRADE HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT. D:< But that's my fault. Dang.