yes im obsessed
solitaire (12:08am EST Tue Sep 21 2004)
I've done the sloitaire game in only 65 secs... :D - by Martin
solitaire (2:53pm EST Wed Nov 24 2004)
draw 3 cards Ive done it in 57 seconds whats the world record time - by N Bawn
Nico (7:36pm EST Mon Nov 29 2004)
solitaire draw 3 cards. Ive done itr in 51 seconds. Whats the world record time? - by Nico
I am faster (12:55am EST Sun Dec 19 2004)
I, Bede Mahon claim to be able to beat this world record. - by Bede Mahon
solitare (1:01am EST Sun Dec 19 2004)
I have done solitare in 49 seconds drawing 3. I was amazed with the formation of the cards when i started. - by Bede Mahon
solitaire (11:37am EST Sat Dec 25 2004)
done it in 45 seconds
have a picture. - by ryan zerbe
solitaire (6:16pm EST Wed Dec 29 2004)
I just did draw one in 55 seconds. What is the record for that??? - by ginger95
Solitaire (8:08am EST Thu Jan 06 2005)
You lot can shove your solitaire record I've done it in 32 seconds. which I believe is the official world record according to me. - by Tommy 'The Don'
solitaire (7:36pm EST Mon Jan 10 2005)
I just did it in 43 seconds!!!!!!!!! How exciting!! My score was 16492. I'll never be able to beat that one again!!! - by Tink
solitaire (1:27pm EST Thu Jan 13 2005)
I've done draw 1 in 43 seconds a few times - does the speed of the computer have any bearing on it? ps. i hate draw 3 it annoys me too much, and i dont believe anyone could do it in 32 secs, thats ridiculous - are you that quick at everything? o) - by julie
solitaire (2:29am EST Thu Jan 27 2005)
first i can't believe there are people out there like me who had a borderline obsession with beating solitaire in a record time. i just beat it in 35 seconds with a score of 20669. kind of disapointed that somebody claims to have beaten that. i did it 3 days ago and left it up on my computer cause i'd really like to get a picture of it. and julie, if you're insinuating what i think you are, then yes tommy the don probably is that quick. but since i've got 3 more seconds than him how about we get together this weekend? i'm sure you could sqeeze 35 seconds in there sometime. ha just kidding. i could easily go for 42 or 43. - by Dan
solitaire (5:28pm EST Thu Jan 27 2005)
Dan - Ill meet you in the pub at 9 ok? - by Julie
00447979847774 (11:01am EST Mon Jan 31 2005)
sdravei - by tanya
Soltarie (12:00pm EST Sun Feb 06 2005)
I've done draw 1 in 40 seconds, score 18042 (playing electric guitar may be a good exercise to improve the record) - by Marco
Solitare (7:47pm EST Fri Feb 11 2005)
My mom made a record of like 57, yes she is obbsesed, the world record is 12 seconds I believe. - by spyroevil
solitaire (7:22pm EST Sat Feb 12 2005)
ok if there really is a world record, who, what, where, when and how? can anyone find an official record of this? cos there are lots of different ways to play solitaire and i NEED to know!!!! 12 seconds just sounds so.....? - by julie
yeah (11:41pm EST Sat Feb 19 2005)
yah i just did the game in 38secs with a score of 19,070. And that was with a basically perfect setup (1 draw). To think someone has done it basically done ti 3x faster than me (assuming it is 12secs) is just so insane that i almost dont believe it lol - by 38secs
Solitaire (11:49pm EST Sat Feb 26 2005)
I have done it in 33 seconds. - by Katie
Solitaire (11:53pm EST Sat Feb 26 2005)
33 seconds gives you a score of 21,884. I just dont think that 12 seconds is even possible... i mean... COMMEEE ON!!! - by 33seconds
44 sec (7:35am EST Tue Mar 01 2005)
My record is 44 seconds and i tought that was good time... But under 35 seconds is pretty fast :D - by no0ne-
solitiare (1:31am EST Wed Mar 02 2005)
i just did it in 58 seconds i thought i was cool till i saw this page - by mikhael
Solitaire (11:58am EST Sun Mar 13 2005)
I beat it in 42 seconds. 12 is impossible. I'm guessing atleast 25 is the record. - by JWB
why 12 seconds is impossible (8:44pm EST Sat Mar 19 2005)
so maybe i'm only doing this cause my record is 35 and i'd be really pissed if somebody can do it almost 3 times faster than me but thats a good enough reason. even if all the cards were set up perfectly, you still have to click at least 29 cards to reveal them. 21 times to reveal the cards in the 7 rows, and 8 to reveal the cards in the deck. on my computer if you right click, any card on the screen that you can move to the top stacks goes automatically. so you're looking at 50 clicks at least to finish the game. 50 clicks in 12 seconds doesnt seem that hard, but 29 of those have to be on a card. that alone seems almost impossible. but then you have to think about the odds of the perfect card setup and the odds that somebody with the hand-eye coordination to make that many accurate clicks in 12 seconds gets that setup. i dont have time to figure out the exact odds or even an estimate (not really a time issue, i'm just not even close to being smart enough to do it). but like i said, maybe i'm just pissed off that it could have actually happened. please try and prove me wrong. - by Dan
Solitaire (4:16pm EST Sun Mar 20 2005)
One card, done it in 46 seconds. Average under a minute 85% of the time. Whats the world record for time in one card draw?? - by drew
12 seconds (8:26pm EST Mon Mar 21 2005)
dan, i think this needs conversation merits more chat time - dont suppose ur on lycos chat - whats ur nic? - by julie
julie (2:04pm EST Tue Mar 22 2005)
my aim sn is dashedrw - by dan
solitare (8:55pm EST Thu Mar 24 2005)
I have been trying to beat a colleagues score of 69 for weeks and I finally got 68 tonite and I can't believe what I am seeing on this. i am going to be more than satisfied with that otherwise I won't get any work done ever:) - by angie
Solitaire (11:01pm EST Sat Mar 26 2005)
I don't know how fast he's completed his games, but my father-in-law has played over 149,000 games of solitaire dating back to 1984. He keeps record of his wins and losses in a little note pad. - by Tom
Solitaire (7:12am EST Mon Mar 28 2005)
my record is 32 seconds with 22 294 points.. my average is about 45 seconds... - by Benni
Solitaire (1:56pm EST Tue Mar 29 2005)
Record of 41 seconds with a short phone call in the middle of the game. Sweet! - by Animal_al
solitaire (11:53pm EST Tue Mar 29 2005)
hey yah i did in 67. What?? - by thatsfast
solitaire (4:53pm EST Mon Apr 25 2005)
you all mad!! 35 secs for solitare...! so what? changed the world? :) well done! - by catdiva
12 seconds..? (11:48pm EST Mon May 02 2005)
I really dont think so - by Dekkard
Solitaire (9:52pm EST Thu May 05 2005)
41 seconds is my record, i thought i was king shit when i beat it that fast. no way 12 seconds gets the job done. - by tcrems
solitaire (12:22am EST Fri May 06 2005)
53 new best time - by thatsfast
solitaire (12:30am EST Sun May 08 2005)
new time!!!1342 yea - by awesomedude
solitaire (12:34am EST Sun May 08 2005)
i think im close wuts the record like 1200 something - by awesome dude
solitaire (12:37am EST Sun May 08 2005)
I just want everyone to know that awesome dude is really cool and he has the best time ever! i don't know how he did it so fast! 1342 is outta control - by awesomegurl
My search is finally over! (10:24am EST Wed May 25 2005)
I thought I was the only person who has this strange obsession with clocking the fastest time possible in solitaire, I feel comfort in know that I'm not the only loser out there! But anyway...yeah times, 43secs. I thought I was king shit, I was proved wrong horribly wrong! - by poo
solitaire (5:01pm EST Tue May 31 2005)
i just did it in 107 seconds with a score 7089!!! beat that!!! - by bri baker
solitaire (11:59pm EST Wed Jun 01 2005)
best is 65 seconds
i also thought that i was the only one to track solitaire times
cool thier are others - by DANK
Solitare (4:28pm EST Fri Jun 10 2005)
I beat it in 56 seconds one time and I thought I was a bad ass. If someone can baet it in 12 sec. i just think that is impossible it would have to be perfectly set up, and every click perfect that is just not possible. - by Mariobro
me (9:46am EST Wed Jun 22 2005)
great! - by me
me (9:46am EST Wed Jun 22 2005)
greatshit - by me
Solitaire (7:18am EST Sat Jun 25 2005)
My best is 57 sec which i got just then. My sis asked me what was the fastest time ever.. well its apparantly 12 sec. Personally i think thats bull, i mean you'd have to have no life whatsoever to sit there and wait for a perfect set up and then finish 50+ clicks in under 12 sec.
Solitaire (2:09pm EST Sat Jun 25 2005)
man i just completed it in 52 secs and i was onmthe top of the worl until i read all this shit... well i've never bn addicted to the game so i'm jus gonna practice like hell till i get somewhere... - by Imran
solitaire (2:54am EST Tue Jul 12 2005)
Is there a senior record? I'm 53 & have a best time of 43 seconds (twice). Just came close to tying it about an hour ago - 45 seconds at quarter to 3 in the morning with a bad cold.
I've been a juggler for almost 40 years, which might help - the eye/hand coordination is useful in solitaire! - by jugl11
dejected (2:23pm EST Mon Jul 18 2005)
i thot i was decent..i avg arnd 83 secs n my best has been arnd 68 secs...but now i'm feelin like such a loser... - by pragya binaykia
solitaire (7:19am EST Tue Jul 26 2005)
i finished solitaire 3 draw in 39 seconds - by reuben
^^^^^^thats me (7:25am EST Tue Jul 26 2005)
i knew i wasnt the only one - by reuben
solitaire (8:04pm EST Wed Jul 27 2005)
well i did itt in 42 sec and it was my proudest day of my life it has changed the person i am today i got a pix of it to if u wanna chat call me on 0274619522 - by Mr PiMp
solitaire (7:53pm EST Mon Aug 01 2005)
I just beat draw one solitaire in 34 seconds. The fastest I've beaten draw three is 28 seconds. - by KingDingDong
freecell (8:34am EST Sun Aug 07 2005)
so can we change the subject to freecell? they say every game is winable, and ive completed every game up to 378, except for a couple, am i truy sad? lol. should have used screenhunter and kept pics of the screen - by julie
solitaire (11:57am EST Tue Aug 09 2005)
theres no point playing one draw! its too basic.
i did 3 draw in 39 seconds - by sam
solitaire (2:30pm EST Sat Aug 13 2005)
I couldn't go under 100, My record is now 102 sec. How do you people manage 33 sec? - by CooLmaN
solitaire (12:39am EST Thu Aug 25 2005)
12 seconds is ridiculous. There is no way that that is possible. My fastest time is 39 seconds. I believe the 32 second record. - by Bryan
solitaire (8:24am EST Mon Aug 29 2005)
damn my out dated pc and even more outdated software - by pragya binaykia
009198429303312 (2:28am EST Mon Sep 05 2005)
ZVANNI MI VEDNAGA ! MN E VAJNO!men nqma da me ima v 4ata za tova mi zvanni ili 4atai sas bashmaistorkata po skype! tq 6te ti obqsni - by dida
Solitaire (2:26pm EST Mon Sep 12 2005)
I'm glad to see your dialogue on this subject. My 13 year old daughter can do it in 50 seconds and regularly does it under 60 seconds. I can't believe the 12 second record either. A time around 30 seconds seems feasible. - by Ken
solitaire (1:26pm EST Tue Sep 13 2005)
well 12 seconds is reaaallyyyy hard to believe but were talking about the best time in the WORLD, EVER... so i think its possible with enormous skills and a lot of luck... i just did it in 72 sec which is my best time lol but a friend of mine did it in 26 seconds after playing like 3 complete days in a row... haha - by sam
solitaire (8:42am EST Thu Sep 15 2005)
Hey Solitaire-Folks,
the new world record is 11 sec, done by a friend of mine. And yes, he does nothing else than playing solitaire. for those of you, who would like to compete with him, visit - by Gino
Solitaitre (11:18am EST Tue Sep 20 2005)
I've did one card draw withe out the right click in 33 sec., but 3 card i only manage to get 44 sec. - by Mr. Cuff
SA (2:41pm EST Thu Sep 29 2005)
I am starting a solitaire anonymous group...because i just realized that wow...there are others like me in the addiction to this game...ive only beat it at 50 seconds on draw three and now i feel challenged to beat it faster...i have the pictures on my cell phone to prove it as i read many others had to take pictures as well to remember and show off thanks - by Matlock
solitaire (6:34am EST Tue Oct 04 2005)
i have done solitaire in 33 seconds and believe it is not possible to do in twelve seconds does anyone know the official record - by ddevil
solitaire (2:50am EST Thu Oct 06 2005)
press "ctrl & prtsc" and paste into image editing program to save your time and score. If you have Konfabulator with a clock and a calender, you'll have some pretty good proof. - by robert
solitaire (10:30pm EST Sun Oct 16 2005)
i currently hold the solitaire world record of 28.93 seconds. anyone want to challange me? - by Brian Trainor
solitare (8:28pm EST Sat Oct 22 2005)
brian look at the website! its cool, my name will be on it one day lol not for beating 11 secs tho, thats incredible - by julie
solitaire (8:36pm EST Sat Oct 22 2005)
incidentally, iv jus noticed that playing when drunk does not improve your time lol heehee - by julie
solitaire (7:23pm EST Mon Oct 24 2005)
heh..i just got 52 and thought i was something...12 seconds is a lie...thats just need some proof to back that a pic of the screen..or one will believe gonna keep playing :-D...3 all of ya :-*:-* - by Sil3nt_Lucidity
Solitaire (3:56pm EST Sun Nov 06 2005)
this is by far the stupidest forum i have ever seen. all of you clearly have no life. you play solitaire all day and then tell eachother about how good you are at playing cards BY YOURSELF on the computer! i bet the only people you meet are on this site you fucking douchebags - by critiques
solitaire (3:57pm EST Sun Nov 06 2005)
critiques is right. you all obviously have too much spare time on your hands - by ...
sex (5:09am EST Thu Nov 10 2005)
i love any girls - by andy007
sex (5:09am EST Thu Nov 10 2005)
i love any girls - by andy007
solitare (11:37am EST Wed Nov 16 2005)
i recently completed a game of solitare in 64 seconds and although it may not be impressive to solitare champions much like yourselves, i was pretty excited to know that i am faster at the game than any of my friends here at THE Blinn College! - by Brad MF Breed
critiques (7:04pm EST Thu Nov 17 2005)
urm?? ur posting on a site about solitaire an ur having a go? do u randomly search for stuff to moan about? otherwise how did u find us!? if ur not interested f*** off! an leave us to it - by julie
messed up (6:29pm EST Fri Nov 18 2005)
has anybody ever been dealt a faulty hand??? I was playing on a friends computer the other day and half way through realized I had 2 Ace of Clubs...stange... - by
solitaire (12:20pm EST Mon Nov 21 2005)
alrite, anyone thats close to aminute is weak as hell
i've slowly worked down from like a minute to my personal record of 42 seconds. i've heard someone has done it in 11 seconds, which is blatantly a lie. 42 seconds though
beat that - by bmac
IM THE BIGGEST LOSER (11:15pm EST Sun Nov 27 2005)
i did solitaire in 31 seconds on a 3card draw. i also have the proof a print screen at the time. - by Joe
poo (5:31pm EST Tue Nov 29 2005)
please eat my rectum - by peter stanton
fetish (5:32pm EST Tue Nov 29 2005)
i peter stanton eat large quantities of anus and anal discharge, i like to lick urethera - by peter stanton
solitaire (2:41am EST Sun Jan 08 2006)
I did it in 133 seconds and i am uber cool - by Jerry Oriley
solitaire pride! (6:55pm EST Thu Jan 19 2006)
I beat it in 31 seconds (score23244) last night on 3 card, I've got the print screen too... but know what's impressive about my score? I'm a chick! haha, that's right :) AND, I have a bf and I'm considerably attractive... see, cool ppl play solitaire all day! I'll prove it if I need to. - by Katie
Solitaire (10:18pm EST Sun Jan 22 2006)
you guys can all lick it.. i beat solitaire in 10 seconds, and minesweeper expert in 5 seconds, hahaha. (lol) come on guys, who cares, those games SO came out years and years ago, get over it.. - by Daryl
solitaire (5:06am EST Mon Jan 23 2006)
My score is 24 sec. Who want more....
- by Snowwhite-SCG
What about Rubik's Cube? (8:52pm EST Tue Jan 24 2006)
This kid I go to school with at Caltech recently set the world record at the Rubik's Cube. 11.13 seconds! How insane is that? - by Caltech Student
solitaire (10:33pm EST Sun Jan 29 2006)
hey i my record ain't as good as some of you guys but i think it's good i beat it in 49 seconds - by Rich Linds
Solitaire (10:09am EST Mon Jan 30 2006)
I am the man 21 seconds on 3 cards. Beat that yall!! - by Jon
Solitaire (8:49pm EST Wed Feb 01 2006)
I believe anyone who says they have done it in the 40's, maybe even 39....but a screen shot its no proof at all because it is soo easy to alter a screen shot, especially with the primitave graphics of the time and score. By zooming in on the screen shot in a paint program one can change the time or score. so video is really the only proof, and how many of oyu have a video? - by Ow Now Brown Cow
Solitaire (9:49am EST Thu Feb 02 2006)
Actually i correct myself. anything under 39 is possible, but the chances of getting the hand dealt to access a time like this is such a small number i doubt so many people have it. Being very fluent with statistics i understand how many combinations of possible hands there really are, and the number of hands to get a time under 39 is comparable to winning the lottery, i mean guessing 5 numbers 1 - 10 and getting all 5 correct is easy comapred to have the 52 cards placed in an order with millions of outcomes. - by Ow Now Brown Cow
solitaire (12:47am EST Sat Feb 04 2006)
ive been playing solitaire trying to beat my old time of 58 seconds so i find it real hard to belive that any one could beat it in 30 seconds - by pulse
solitaire record (1:02pm EST Tue Feb 14 2006)
you lot can just shove it. i just beat a game of solitaire single draw in 31 seconds. a single shuffle through, no lost points. score of 19373. - by trakrunnr
Records (6:12pm EST Mon Feb 20 2006)
I've done 3X in 38 seconds with a good , but not great, hand. I think 11 secs is possible. I'm thinking of selling all of my possessions, locking myself in a dank, stinky room and going for the record. Nah, 38's pretty good. I think I'm done. - by Done
solitaire (2:59pm EST Fri Mar 03 2006)
Yeah!! Look at all the wonderful nerds who are clearly not spending anytime working. Guess I'm with you I have done 3 card draw in 48 secs. I can't believe someone can do it more than 4 times faster than me, but i've seen that record posted on the internet several times. I think they should start a competition for it like they did the SMS thing. Then, we could verify that there was no cheating. - by solitairechick
hanging my head in shame (12:06am EST Sat Mar 04 2006)
i just scored 69 (69, hah hah) but not even close to you nerds. i even took a picture to show everyone at work. guess im not as nerdy as i thought i was. =( - by Hunter