Feb 19, 2011 06:42
⇒ "Snake" is not his real name. However, given that he's used to weird, mind-trip type games where his identity could actually be a liability, he's decided to shrug his shoulders and just use "Snake" again. If asked, he will be very forward about this being a pseudonym. It's aaaall good.
⇒ He will always be dressed as he is in this icon. Awesome.
⇒ WARNING: Snake's berserk button is Clover. If you hurt her, he will hate you a lot. [If you kill her? He will kill you or at least do everything he can to kill you. Even if you are a ridiculously powerful something or other, yes. In one ending, he takes six bullets and still manages to pin down a fully grown man even though he is blind and has a prosthetic arm and then burns in an incinerator with this guy.] These siblings are Not Safe when one or the other is injured. IF YOU ARE COOL WITH THIS, then A++. :'D Otherwise, we both play characters that auto-revive and are used to dying, so if it comes up for whatever reason, there can be wacky hijinks.
⇒ And now for some massive spoiler-related stuff: [the interview on the official site makes it clear that the people behind the game intended for a lot of stuff to be ambiguous and even contradictory in the game, such as which members of the Nonary Game helped Santa and June carry their plan out. It is entirely possible to read it as Snake having been in on the whole conspiracy and whatnot. This won't come up in camp right now since we don't have a June or a Santa. However, I will be playing it with the interpretation that Snake wasn't in on the plan. Regardless of his anger towards Cradle Pharmaceutical, I cannot see him willingly lying to Clover and putting her through hell (to the point where she'd be emotionally unbalanced and ax crazy). So! That is how I will roll.] He is being pulled from after the true ending.
⇒ The game's been out for a good few months now, so I am a little more relaxed with spoilers. The odds of actual spoiler stuff coming up in threads are very slim! But. You know. If you're playing / going to play the game, please let me know (drop a comment, e-mail, whatever) and I will happily skirt them. Play this game.