This underground station comes fully equipped with a row of run-down houses on street level,
including a motel, a cinema, a bus stop and a little cafe.
So in fact you get more than just a metro for your photo shootings! ^_^ Speaking of it:
This lot is a huge load and not meant for normal gameplay! Its first purpose is
for photo shootings/story telling and filming if you have an high-end machine.
Floor plans:
Lot size: 6x4
Price: 324,015
Type: residential (because all the poseboxes and deco stuff are easier to find there.)
I have Uni and Nightlife installed but I'm quite sure I succeeded in not using any uni or uni-based items.
btw, I also used only decorative cash registers and no items that would spawn an NPC. I figured with a lot this huge you'd rather want individual bartenders etc. where needed, no automatic spawns stealing performance.
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6plus various recolors by others and me myself.
This lot also includes a custom version of the neon motel sign by
SimsDesignAvenue (thanks for permission). It's grungy and the "o" is now flickering like a loose contact.
In the pics but not included:
sky by chris997 with a
recolor by Jasperneighbourhood decorations by CTNutmegger From the bottom of my heart I thank all the creators who share their great work for free, including the creators of SimPe, the Compressorizer and the LotAdjuster, and SIMale for the simlish font, without them this wouldn't have been possible! Your dedication is inspiration for my dedication.
DOWNLOADIn case mediafire gives you a hard time, Fofo was so kind to upload it on her hoster, too:
alternative DOWNLOADThanks, Fofo! :)
IMPORTANT: Please download this fixed version of the motel sign and let it overwrite the old one.
There were some GUID conflicts with some of my later creations:
DOWNLOAD FIXMy bitchy game refuses to package the final version, so you'll have to place files manually, but it's easy, just follow the readme.
Since this is built around neighbourhood deco, placement is a bit more complicated than usual. Please follow the tutorial included.
Small detail I forgot to add in the tutorial: Most of the fire escapes have invisible tiles so you can place sims there. :)
A rather important detail I forgot to mention: The ceilings are technically "outside" and the train and tunnel are not considered part of the lot by the game. Their appearance is determined only by daytime/nighttime no matter what lighting is around it.