This is a tribute to VPN, whose work you could find on Ribotlabs in 2009, but meanwhile Ribotlabs closed. :(
He now has his own site,
VPN's garage! :D Ribot was the first to create simlish cars, based on the car brands
Maxis had introduced (some day in the future I'll also upload my stuff here from the very beginning when I mostly
recolored Ribot's cars). VPN started as Ribot's apprentice and has been very prolificly expanding on the idea of
simlish cars with all new brands and dozens of models ever since. :)
Various of his concepts on various posters:
7 concepts on small poster,
8 concepts on 2 middle size posters,
8 concepts on 3 kinds of bigger posters (one mirrors the pic = even more variety)
makes 47 on the whole.
All on base game meshes! A picture of meshes used is included.
DOWNLOAD VPN concepts posters This was also my first contribution to a GoS theme (August 2009 - Geek Chic).