Psychosim Harbour: decorated neighbourhood or map only

Jan 14, 2012 21:16

Two years ago I wanted a terrain with urban density and narrow canals within.
I didn't find such a map so I did it myself, and now I finally manage to share it. :)

My idea was that on one side of the canal there's the industry and workers' quarter while on the other side is the nicer living area.

There're several decorative lots included such as this lighthouse. They will look fine even if you don't have the required CC,
except some very few items that are listed below. If you have downloaded my lots in the past you already have everything.

Up the hill behind the industry district is where Simford Prison is located.

One of my favourite bits are these enclosed sloped streets around the harbour. Be careful to not mess them up when placing lots!

Essential objects to look as intended:
All-stone embankment by me
Embankment set by Criquette (for the corner pieces)
Water and sky by me (don't forget the extra pieces for the embankment!)
Cobblestreet default by me (to match the streets around the bridges)
Grungy railway by me
Railway Freight Project by me
Criquette's tram tracks in darker color by me (MTS alternative)
Important for the industrial railway platform: "Forgotten Town" deco by CuriousB

For the lots to appear correctly in neighbourhood view you will need:
Roof set by Ermelind
Grungy awnings by me
Flags by me (for the Folk Palace, you need only the meshes)
Full CC for playing the lots is not included, but you will have everything if you downloaded my Winner Street lots.
There's also some column recolor missing, if you see that and don't want my Winner Street lots either just delete those lots.

Marina piers and boats by Criquette
More boats by Gwenke (recommended, they were finicky to place)
Vintage harbour cranes by me (MTS alternative)
Hood deco containers by Satinn
Billyjean's boat by me (MTS alternative)
No water sparkle by me
Row houses by me
Positively 4th street by sun_it_rises
Deco houses by FauxouVrai
Watertanks and billboards by me
Vintage traffic and cars by me (MTS alternative)
Railway set by Criquette (only needed for the long train on the bridge, be careful to not overwrite my grungy railway)

DOWNLOAD Psychosim Harbour decorated
I'm not sure about EP requirement for neighbourhoods, but my highest EP is only Nightlife.

I had to exclude the tram station because the lot was borked.* :( Please build your own, here's a picture for reference.
The clocks for it are here.

* It's fine in my main game but when I copy the neighbourhood into a new game or even extract the lot normally and put it into a
new game from the lot bin it becomes just a hole in the ground. It's a community lot that has a custom phone instead of the
bulky maxis one. But I used the same phone for other community lots I shared and haven't had this problem. Any ideas?

And here's the map only! Not much to say, you know the drill: Put it in your SC4Terrains folder.

There's a bunch of trees spawning at the very edge, I'm sure you can handle that. ;)
There's an even line through the mountains for railroad tracks.

DOWNLOAD Psychosim Harbour SC4Terrain

Mayfair_Market aka imalia_garlene has made this a downtown template, download it here.

terrain maps, neighbourhood stuff

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