Being an artist, I am moved by a LOT of art. So I went through the galleries of some artists that really helped me grow back in the day, and how they continue to do so. So I picked the pieces that spoke most to me, both back then, and also do so now.
SOMNAMBULIST by Becky Cloonan
I spend much of my time in that strange place between wake and sleep. Or I’m sleeping, but I wake feeling like I spent the night watching tv, or like I had run a marathon. I am drawn by the way she reaches her hands for… stability? To act as her eyes? The dead tree branches reach with her. Something out of frame is calling to them both. Something neither of them have any control over.
MILK by Jory Hemmelgarn
I felt like I was looking in a mirror when I saw this in school. As mentioned before, I lost time a lot, I slept little, and when I was, I wasn’t resting. I was drowning in something that should have been helping me,, and there was nothing I could do about it. To be quite honest, did I even want to try and fight it?
I was in college and learning Illustrator. The great thing about Deviantart is I could actually pose technical questions to some of my favorite artists about some of my favorite pieces, so when he revealed that he wasn’t doing this pieces traditionally, but digitally, in 2004, I asked him how he was doing it.
Illustrator 8. Transparent layer after transparent layer after transparent layer. The amount of time it took him to do one pieces was eons compared to my 20 minute drawings at the time. I
FREE by Jenni Tapanila
“Why did you kill her? You said you were going to set her free. “
“Oh, but I did.”
Picking one piece by Jenni Tapanilla is really, REALLY hard for me. She taught me how to photoshop. She taught me how to make fake blood. She shot one of the reasons I joined Suicidegirls, a finnish girl who called herself Venla. I learned so much just by following her on DA.
AQUAFOREST by Lois Van Baarle
Looking for whimsy in the banal. Planes overlap. I’m just floating in the current. There isn’t enough air. I’m in too deep. Eh, I could be in worse places.
I’m sure you’re seeing a theme in what I see in art.
DESSERT by Izzy Medrano
“When the ground is darting up toward you at terminal velocity, you experience the most wonderful self-acceptance.
So long as you are not an idiot, getting all obsessive about the past, and what people will think of your corpse...”
Need I say more?