My New Tea Set, originally uploaded by
Thanks to craigslist, i got 12 cups and saucers with dead leaf designs, a leafy tiered serving plate, and a handmade antique table tea cloth for practically nothing (considering most of that stuff is older than me, my mother, and my grandmother put together).
Getting them was exciting enough... using them even moreso.
Today, i hosted my American Tea Party rather last minute like, and considering how last minute it was all slapped together, it went swimmingly. I totally need to sleep now.
1) Totally made muffalettas, and now i have a firmer grasp of what i would change next time.
2) Totally made tons of different teas that slowly started to involve alchohol. FTW.
3) Berries and cookies served on that tiered plate action was rad.
4) I figured out a neat way to make Mint Juleps without cooking that Rock Candy serum. Also quite rad.
It was a little astounding that i got calls like, an hour before the tea party saying people were coming. By 7pm, i had 7 people drinking tea and eating sandwiches and such.
Now, i am slightly drunk and very exhausted. Sleepy time is now.