The Ladder, originally uploaded by
Go go gadget Old Town Alexandria.
Or something.
Ganked from my flist.
You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:
One weapon
One song blasting on the speakers
One famous person to fight alongside you
Weapon can be real or fictional, you may assume endless ammo if applicable. Person can be real or fictional.
Weapon: the 15 fold katana sitting in my living room.
Song: "Paradise" by Firewater. Odds are, this will change, but it works for the time being.
Famous Person: After some serious deliberation, i'm gonna have to go with Hunter S. Thompson. Gun skills, a craziness i can't even begin to match, and to hear his tales of the WWZ would be legendary. I would only have slowed that man down during the zombie apocalypse.
new LJ theme.
man, my brain is mush.
Wednesday, May 28:
Flew out to fargo. the puddle jumper we got in going from Minneapolis to Fargo really seemed to piss people off. I was mildly annoyed becuase my bag met the measurements and they tried to get me to check my bag.
There isn't much to do in Fargo but eat, drink, farm and bicycle. Alcohol is crazy cheap. I was hoping to buy a $10 bottle of Level, but i didn't have space in my luggage. ; _ ; Instead, i bought some spatlese and downed the bottle that night. So much for making it last the week.
Thursday, May 29:
The Bachelorette party was a hoot, ey? After 3 years of drinking to no effect, i finally got blitzed. I made out with the only Philipino in the state. haha.
The boys got pulled over on the way back from their Bachlor party. 285 dollah ticket. ouch.
Friday, May 30:
We went and got all dolled up with pedicures and manicures.
Saturday, May 31:
The wedding itself was lovely. Scottish Luthren wedding, beautiful church, great company. It was a little wierd to see how out of the circle i'd become. It also made me miss what i had with Stein something fierce.
Just when i was over him, i love him just as much as i ever did.
Sunday, June 1:
We flew back home. I had never been so glad to Arlington. Getting onto the GW parkway, a cab cut us off and honked his horn. Simultaneously, everyone in the car said "Yep, we're home."
Good times.
Tomorrow i accompany my sister on a car trip to Baton Rouge.
Good times to be had, and good pictures to be taken. :D
New Orleans, here i come.