ancient roman prayers to Jupiter

Aug 31, 2012 19:16

Just doing a little research, and came across this page. Some are funny, some are really personal, but I found them to be pretty interesting.

Corpus Inscriptiones Latinae VI 30975

By Mercury, Jupiter, the God Eternal, Juno Regina, Minerva, Sol, Luna, Apollo, Diana, Bona Fortuna, Ops, Isis, Pietas, and the divine Fates, may it be good, fortunate and happy.

Plautus Trinummus 447

It is so, may Jupiter love me.
(Ita, me amabit Iuppiter.)

Silius Italicus Punica 4.126-127

I recognize You, Mightiest of the Gods; Be present now, Father, and confirm the omen of Your eagle.

Statius Silvae I.1.74-78

Hail, Child of the Mighty, Father of the Gods, whose divine power I have heard from afar. In one moment my pool is blessed with happiness, at another it is venerated, made holy by Your presence, ever since I was granted to know that You are never far from me, and was enabled to watch Your immortal radiance from a vicinity near my abode.

L. Accius Aenead sive Decius fr. 4

Invincible Holiness, with venerating prayers I ask that You send good portents to signify a change for the better for the people of our nation.

Cicero De Domo sua ad Pontifices 144

O Jupiter Capitolinus, to You I pray, I entreat You, who the Roman people have named Optimus after Your kindness and Maximus after Your great power.
ETA: just found a ton more from the same yahoo group. love these! really makes me want to go back to the forum. i guess they speak to my ancestry. :)
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