Chapter XXXXXXXXXXIV: In Which Our Hero Hates Cell Phone Companies

Aug 09, 2009 15:15

Well, if anyone out there in the internet needs to get in touch with me, you should probably call. My cell phone is not doing the whole texting thing as of right now. Though, it should actually be all right, starting Monday.

Stupid billing cycles. Meh.

Also, on an entirely unrelated note, I am beginning to loathe Trazodone hangovers. My doctor put me on it in order to make me sleep at night, instead of staying up until 5 or 6 AM and completely fucking my sleep schedule. As far as the "making me sleep" goes, it works. But it is hard as hell to wake up, no matter how small a dose I take. My head feels foggy and filled with wet cement. My eyes feel leaden and it's hard to form words out loud. Guh. I weary of being weary.

But maybe, with time, that part will get better.
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