Nov 26, 2008 08:20
Back in the day I used to HATE Guns N' Roses if for no other reason that they were Guns N' Roses, which was also premeditated by the fact I was and still am a huge Cult fan. It's just one of those unsaid things, if you're a fan of The Cult you hated Gn'R, and if you liked Gn'R you hated the Cult, the same with bands like Megadeth and Metallica, you were either a diehard fan of one camp or the other. And it also probably didn't help the fact there was legitimate drama between the two bands involving drummer Matt Sorum who ditched The Cult to make his cash grab with, you know who, Guns N' Roses!
So here we are over a decade later, after the peak of either bands career. Both are still around, both have changed, and like them, even some of their fans have changes as well. Take me for instance, I did today something that ten years ago I'd never have imagined doing in a million years, I bought the new Guns N' Roses album. Why? Maybe it was because Slash left (sorry, the hat just never did anything for me), maybe because early previews of the new material years ago stated that the album would have 'industrial music' elements' to it, I really can't pin my finger on it honestly outside the fact that I've been intrigued ever since almost day one this album was announced.
So, here we are today, the album has finally been released, fans everywhere are toasting with Root Beer in celebration, and my CC has just been debited ten dollars by iTunes. I'm a man who lives by gut and whim, which for the most part hasn't let me down too many times. I'm hoping in this case that this fact will remain true, as it takes me over an hour by bus to reach work (or get home) you can pretty well imagine what I'll be doing to pass the time. With that stated, if you were an anonymous passenger on that bus with me you'd have insight as to why I'll probably be unconsiously making a smorgasbord of facial expressions. But Rock N' Roll is dead, we rockers need a savior, does this album glimmer? To be followed up in another post..