So, I wrote a REALLY AWESOME entry on Cameron's iPhone while on the highway between Cincinnati and Indianapolis, and then LJ and/or the iPhone ATE IT. Thus my last entry. I am now going to try again... because I am a rockstar. What follows here is ONE WEEK OF ROCK!!!!!!!!!!111
My Week In Rock:
1. Tim Gunn would weep
Monday. I spent most of Sunday doing laundry, but my two (yes, two) pairs of work pants are both (yes, both) wet. After trying to dry Old Faithful for a few minutes, I realize that it's too late to get them done and get to work on time, so I go upstairs and get out my Second Backup pair, which are about 4" too long and which I have (of course) never hemmed. I spend about five minutes looking for safety pins, then say to myself, "Make it work," and start stapling up my hems. Nobody notices all day at work. I also found out that my trainer has Swine Flu (this becomes significant later).
2. You've just won... A NEW CAR!
Tuesday. En route from the Lady Ravens' third win in a row to the (Gentleman?) Ravens game, I brake hard in the rain to avoid the car ahead of me, which has just braked hard, and I hydroplane into it. FAIL. Everyone is fine but Moet, whose hood is accordioned up and blocking the bottom half of the windshield. Also, one of my turn signal lights is like 10 feet away from the car.
Me: I'm ok. Are you ok?
Me: um... ok. I'm going to go get my insurance info...?
Luckily my coworker English Teacher #3 was following me, and had better tires than me, and didn't hydroplane and crush me with her giant Jeep. I got into her car & we waited over an hour to for the cops to show up, at which point we were informed that if nobody's injured, you don't actually have to wait for the cops in Indiana (would've been nice to find that out from the dispatcher when I called an hour before). Also like 200 feet away there had been an accident involving a pedestrian & resulting in a fatality. So, uh, glad that wasn't me!
Emily and I sat in her car and graded papers while exchanging texts with Cameron & our other coworkers, who were at the boys' game.
Anyway, it definitely could've been much much worse, but the upshot is that the insurance company's totaling Moet and I need to buy a new car. :( / :)!
3. BADUM-ching: Comedy!
Wednesday. Matthew arrives! He drives me home from school! I've been feeling sort of sick all day, but I'm resolved to ignore that and have a great time. WOO!!! We go see Phil, who's in town to do stand up, and all of the comedians are funny! Nothing could go wrong! Nothing could--
Oh, I just spilled a $5 drink in my lap. Awesome. Now I am soaking wet AND drinkless. ROCK. STAR. Aaaaaaaand Paul(-Scott) Thacker was there! I think I drunkenly fangirled all over him. Whatever, he loved it.
4. Thursday: Thanksgiving, Part I
I definitely have swine flu some sort of cold. With a fever. And nausea. And stuffy nose. And it's time to spend my First Thanksgiving Ever with Cameron's family!! OH GOOD. Everything goes pretty well, though, and we're all set to leave there early and drive to Cincinnati for dessert with my cousins, except... I fall asleep in the car on the way back to the house and nix the Cincinnati leg of the trip.
5. Friday: Franksgiving!
My parents heard about how, this one time, at band camp, Franklin Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to Friday (although Wikipedia says otherwise), so they decided to change their Thanksgiving to Friday so that Fran and I could go to our significant others' families' thanksgivings Thursday and go to theirs on Friday. And we did! And it was AWESOME. Courtney came and we got to meet Gourdo Mad Dog Circus Cat Hobo Cat their new cat, which they claim is not their cat even though they feed and water it, built it a temperature-controlled hutch, and let it into the garage every night to stay warm. ALSO we got to see Fran's mask from his radiation therapy, which he just finished (my brother is now cancer-free!!!).
6. Saturday: Thanksgiving, Part II... and a wedding
MORE THANKSGIVING. At Brent & Melissa's. I also got to meet the Tiny Humans they produced, Carter and Emerson (BABIES!!!!). While driving from Cincinnati to our house to change for Brent & Melissa's and pick up a change of clothes for the wedding afterward, I updated my LJ via iPhone, and it was an AWESOME entry, and it got EATEN. :( UNROCKSTAR! But I also used the iPhone to look up a farmers' market and order a homemade pie, which we picked up still hot on the way to Thanksgiving II. It was AWESOME.
THEN we went to DisciplineGuy's wedding, which was really fun, where our waiter kept hooking us up with Champagne, and I danced with MrBossPerson's wife for like TWO HOURS. Cameron joined us a lot too! Then Matthew came to pick us up, because he's a nice guy, and also we were not fit to drive.
7. SUNDAY! Today! I went to do errands with Matthew... we had many adventures. Well, mostly we just got groceries, got stuck in traffic, and got locked out of the house for like ten minutes. So, there wasn't a lot of rock today. On the plus side, I'm mostly unsick, and I have no plans for my classes tomorrow, and I'm super behind on everything, and I don't have a car, and I AM A FREAKING ROCK STAR.
Plz to leave tales of your own adventures, comments/questions, or non sequiters as you see fit.