So, I'm on fall break. I was planning on updating once a day during the week in five areas of my life, so as to have a shorter, more digestible entry, but... well, I never even got around to figuring out what the five areas were. This should give you a good idea of how my Fall Break's been going. It's been very fun and relaxing--multiple people have commented on how much more relaxed I look than usual--and so far my biggest accomplishment has been ripping most of my CD collection to MP3s on my new laptop. Also I folded some laundry yesterday.
So, assuming I'll never really get around to all that, here are some things that have happened. With section subtitles, in case you want to skip around!
I. I am a giant ball of stress, PART 1: The Economy
As all of you no doubt are aware, the economy more or less went down in flames. That stressed me out for a while--I mean, I'm pretty out of shape & have no necessary tools if it comes down to hunting my own food (short of maybe, like, throwing hammers at deer), and live in an area too urban for food gathering, and also it's going to be winter, and I never have any cash and I have no gold and I'm not bartering my laptop and THEN I somehow got out of that freakout loop--partly by realizing that I'm way under the new $250,000 FDIC limit (and was also beyond safe with the old $100,000 limit, of course), and partly by plugging my ears with my fingers and going "LA LA LA LA LA." Uh, I mean, partly by reminding myself that I'm super resourceful, marketable, and have great aim with hammers. As long as the deer aren't running too fast. And that I have a good, steady income, in a strong position, very unlikely to be downsized, in a field that's always necessary (since, luckily, people continue to be idiots and some of them even want to grow out of it), and anyway I have lots of canned goods. So. I took "worries about the economy" and managed to make that go away, mostly by ignoring it. I am, as you all know, pretty good about ignoring my problems until they go away. And anyway, I'll take a ((hopefully) temporary) 30% loss in my IRA in the short term if it means an Obama presidency in the long run, right??
II. I am a giant ball of stress, PART 2: Work!/My Crazy Dream-Brain
Compounding that was that at the same time, MrBossPerson, who was, as most of you know, one of my favorite coworkers, was hired away to a more prestigious, more powerful, better-paying job. Which is AWESOME for him, but has left me feeling sort of Super Stressed. A lot. Like, constant nightmares about the school falling apart, being crushed by beams, zombies, etc. The best was the one where I dreamed that I had lunch duty, and lunch was outside, and I needed to go cover it but I couldn't find any shoes. So I couldn't go outside because that would be very unprofessional. Why being shoeless inside wasn't problematically unprofessional is beyond me, but I suppose I have my CRAZY DREAM-BRAIN to thank for that one.
Anyway, so Mr PseudoBossPerson is now Mr Actual New BossPerson, which is great, except if he isn't, which he might or might not be, depending on whether or not a butterfly flaps its wings in South America and/or whatever mood MrBossBossPerson is in that day. SIGH. WHATEVER. WHATEVER. I have also taken this worry, balled it up, and put it into the "ignore" lockbox with Social Security. There isn't anything I can do about it, so there isn't anything I can do about it. THE END. What this really does is a)strengthen my resolve to have the next leg of my Life Journey in place by the summer of 2010, where I leave the school and Indianapolis altogether, and b)mean that I have a prestigious, powerful, well-paid friend who can help me get another job somewhere in Indiana if A falls through. So really it's good... right???
III. I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends*
Cameron and I continue to get along swimmingly, and Erin's living in town now, and she and I and Amy still get along famously, and there are new young! female! teachers at the high school this year, and we've formed a BOOK CLUB, and the school's big enough that that doesn't feel like me hanging out out of school with the same people I see 12 hours a day anyway, so social/dating life is a total WIN, which is good, because if everything ever went bad at the same time I'm not sure my tiny brain could handle it. In fact, if even just the Cameron-parts were to go bad I'm not sure I could handle it, because he's absolutely a rock, a stalwart friend... the best support a girl could want. That's right, folks: he is my WonderBra. Or something.
IV. My Rockstar Debut (no, not the video game)
Also I will be making my debut as a singer in November, when Jorr John Orr
The Last Domino's new double album, "Diamond Days and Fire Nights." (I'm singing backup with Cameron, Cameron's brother Ian, and Cameron's brother Ian's girlfriend Marie on a couple of tracks. My lyrics are as follows: "we are the sunlight," "we are the starlight," "hip hip hooray!!!!!," "time will show me how to live my life but I've learned that there's good within mankind," and "oooooOOOOOO!".) It's going to be awesome; you should all come to one or more of the release shows, which will be November 14th and 15th. I HAVE INVITED MY GRANDMOTHER AND MOTHER AND THEY MIGHT COME. MAYBE. So if you want to meet some real celebrities...
V. Etc., or "My Grandmother, the Activist"
In other family/political news, my grandmother's been doing phone bank work for the Obama campaign in Ohio. In typical Grandma fashion, she has made a bunch of friends doing it and everyone loves her. Sample: she went down to the Obama office with one of her friends, Sister Mary Something, and they were approached by a man who told them that they warmed his heart because his mother, who has died, used to insist that "no white woman will ever vote for a black man." Heh.
My mother, following in her footsteps, has had five Obama yard signs stolen from her yard so far this year. FIVE. Also one Driehaus (running against Chabot, Cincinnati's most evil politician/Representative) sign. She still has two Obama signs in the windows, but this is not sufficient. So, yet again, she and Dad will exchange $8.50 for the ability to irk their Republican and/or racist neighbors. Dad was thinking of setting up a motion-sensor camera, or possibly asking the township cops (NOT busy) to sit a stakeout (double irony: it's entirely possible that they're the ones taking the signs??), but I maintain that the BEST solution would be to hire some of those kids that are always wandering around suburban neighborhoods offering to paint your address numbers on your driveway for the fire department to paint the whole driveway to say "OBAMA '08" and then, in smaller letters below, "good luck stealing this one, suckers!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!1!" or similar.
IN CLOSING: leave me lots of comments to encourage me or I may never post again!!!
*But not High With A Little Help From My Friends, as I am sticking with my position of assuming that I am allergic to all drugs ever. Also because my friends aren't into drugs.