OK TIME TO BE PROACTIVE... it will moisturize my situation and preserve my sexy.

Apr 08, 2007 21:13

Goals for my 25th* year:

1. Wear sunscreen every single day, just like Baz Luhrmann tried to teach me in 1999.
2. Also keep in mind Chris Rock's equally valuable advice about the lack of sexual activity in the Champagne Room (no matter what the stripper says!). And horoscopes.
3. Exercise at least three times a week. Take a new class--probably either belly dance or pilates.
4. Max out my IRA contribution, in addition to automatic $100 monthly deposits.
5. Keep eating healthy stuff and move toward only buying ingredients instead of premade/processed food (possible exceptions: bread, tortillas, taco shells). "Just-in-case" canned soup will probably be the hardest to give up. I'm going to start by focusing on getting at least 3 servings of fruits/veg per day. I'd also like to work on buying locally, humanely-raised meat.
6. Clean out, organize, and keep up with my medical, financial, and personal records.
7. Finish the first draft of either a)that fanfic that I started when I was 14 or b)one of the novels I've got in the planning stages or c)ALL OF THE ABOVE.
8. Complete my teaching portfolio for licensure (yes, ANOTHER stupid portfolio, this time to get upgraded from an "initial practitioner" license to a "real" teacher's license).
9. Rejoin all of those professional organizations that I joined to make my resume look good, and go to this year's NCTE convention (OMG YOU GUYZ IT'S IN NYC THIS YEAR). Then get on the program for the 2008 NCTE convention!
10. Be more proactive in seeking Friends here in the Circle City, starting with Melissa, (girl)Cameron, and Jolene.

Ten goals is pretty many, but some are big and some are small and some are things I have to go anyway. And #2 is pretty much taken care of. So woooo!

*Because if I'm turning 24, that means that that I've completed 24 years and am starting my 25th. Right? I am pretty sure this is right.


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