I am using my powers of eavesdropping and blogging about it for good... or for AWESOME

Nov 16, 2006 08:16

Overheard in the hallway this morning…

Student who reminds me of my little brother: [looks in locker] UGH! [slams door and walks away] I am so irresponsible!

Ms Larkin: [NAME REDACTED]! Go to your homeroom. And PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!
"Where's my Pony?": [rude] I’m putting it on vibrate!
Sunshine: [holding up water bottle] Ms Larkin, I got real good aim. You turn your head, and I can hit her.

Overheard back in homeroom…

Girl: You said you dreamed about me!
Student who reminds me of my little brother: That happened one time! …it was weird. I didn’t like it.

It's like this EVERY DAY, guys. Yesterday Couple Of The Week exchanged a very chaste, sort of "I'm only doing this because I'm supposed to" sort of kiss as they parted, and Boy sort of muttered "I love you" tonelessly under his breath, right as I was walking by.

At which point, I, of course, being a mature adult, went "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" at them loudly. Ahahahah. I am rude to Young Luv. Do you know why? YES: because "this concept of 'wuv' CONFUSES and ENRAGES" me!!!!!!!!!1111111111BBQ!

school stories, quotes, ichs, school

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