Worst Day Ever

Apr 23, 2006 17:26

First off: If you're planning on being/able to be in Indy around 8, come to my birthday dinner at Mitchell's! I'd love it if the rest of y'all could come, but I understand that it's a bit of a commute for some of you.

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Note to large party that ruined my day today:

If you are going to come out to eat in a large group, here are things you should consider:

-making a reservation for fourteen and then having seventeen show up is not necessarily a big deal, but you should fucking be patient if it takes us a while to a)put together a table outside where you said you wanted to eat, b)attempt to move the 14-top into the private room like you asked, and then make you a new table somewhere else because seventeen people do not fit in that room. Even if three of them are small children.
-PS: if we tell you 17 people won't fit, it's because they won't. It's not because we're being jerks. It's because the CQ's only supposed to sit 10 to begin with.
-also: pick a place where your group members will be able to afford the food, rather than ordering off the kids' menu, splitting every entree, and bitching about prices the whole time.
-if that doesn't work, and you agree to go, why not not bring your TINY TINY CHILDREN with their QUESTIONS and their TINY HANDS? (actually I didn't mind the questions at all, but I wanted to rip off a Matthewism.)
-just because you decline to order dessert doesn't make it OK for you to pull a giant chocolate bar out of a paper sack and eat it at the table. Especially if you're not going to even share it with the rest of your family, jerk!
-keep in mind that, since you've moved around and are expecting me to split the check up into SEVEN checks, it is going to take me a while. And try not to be OMGSOOFFENDED if I accidentally mix up the kids' meals.
-do you mind not letting your son run around screaming while destroying a dessert menu? A dessert menu that you refused to order anything off of? Because you are cheap bastards? KTHX.
-tipping is required, and you should know that. Tipping 10% is one thing (one BAD thing, you asshats)... tipping 10% and stealing my pens?? UNNECESSARY.

Icy death-stare,

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...in other news, a million thanks again to minusthepants for being there at exactly the right time to give me a hug just when I needed one. I'm sorry again about getting your shirt all wet. :)

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Now I get to go back to Mitchell's, but this time, to dine... sadly, Courtney can't come because she will be busy with mandatory hippie dancing. :(

When I found that out, I pretty much stopped wanting to *have* a birthday dinner, but then I found out that Sam is probably coming (!!) and now I am excited about it again.

Speaking of which, if you're planning on being/able to be in Indy around 8, come to my birthday dinner at Mitchell's!

The employee discount's on me. XD
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