Peggy: I've been feeling restless lately.
Marla: How so?
Peggy: Everything annoys me so much that I want to go far, far away.
Marla: That's not being restless. That's being bitchy.
Peggy: NO, being "bitchy" is when I want to KILL EVERYTHING. "Restless" just means I want to go away from it.
* * *
The weather's really gorgeous today, and I'm enjoying being back at Collins for a bit, even if I don't know many people anymore. I got honket at (twice! by the same car! and then they yelled about how hot I looked! WTF!) on the way here, and then a random girl in the hallway asked me and LinZ to help her untie her dress, so clearly I am full of magnetic animal attraction. Or something.
* * *
Today should, however, be professionally productive. I'm applying for a job opening at
University High School, because it sounds amazing (even if it is sort of the opposite of an urban public school, being a school in Carmel with $11,700 annual tuition). I am also, however, very intimidated by having read the other staff bios of the English faculty.
I'm also having a meeting with the School of Ed counselors to go over my resume and going to CoT, where today's speaker will be the woman who's opening a new school in Indy this year (NEED TEACHERS ANYONE?) designed for students who are recovering addicts. Which would be, in my opinion, very interesting & challenging.
After that, of course, I'm going to THE VID, and bringing CUPCAKES and COOKIES and BROWNIES. You should all come.
Hopefully SUGAR and ALCOHOL will CURE my ENNUI.
Or, you know, at least be RILLY RILLY FUN.
[/unnecessary capslock & grouchiness]
Now: off to write a cover letter about how I'm the bestest candidate for this position!! Wooooo!