Up is Down! Black is White!

Feb 27, 2006 21:37

So, I read an article about this show called Black.White. on FX, and... I really want to watch it. RIGHT NOW. Sadly, that is not possible on a variety of levels... but don't think I won't try again later.

And, in other up/down, black/white, courtney/straight news:

Ohio senator is awesome!

GAY ADOPTION. State Senator Robert Hagan (D-Ohio) says he will introduce legislation to ban Republican couples from adopting children. According to Hagan, "credible research'' shows that adopted children raised in GOP households are more at risk for developing "emotional problems, social stigmas, inflated egos, and alarming lack of tolerance for others they deem different than themselves and an air of overconfidence to mask their insecurities." Hagan agrees there is no scientific evidence backing his claims about Republican parents -- just, as Hagan notes, there is none backing State Representative Ron Hood's (R) bill banning gay parents from adopting. Hood claims children purportedly suffer from emotional "harm" when they are adopted by gay couples. Hagen admits he created his proposal to mock Hood's proposed ban on gay adoption in a way that people would see the "blatantly discriminatory and extremely divisive" nature of the bill. The GOP House leadership does not support Hood's proposal.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 02.27.06

And now to go to sleep. Again. Man, I hope I'm not getting sick (sugacube, how I'm feeling actually sounds a lot like how you're feeling... I HOLD YOU RESPONSIBLE we should both take lots of vitamins).

politics, ohio, tv, race, gay rights

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