(no subject)

May 31, 2005 23:16


Name:: Misty
Age:: 71
Height:: 5'6
Hair Color:: blonde with brown lowlights
Eye Color:: blueish greenish

((School Life/Education))

School Mascot:: Bulldogs
School Colors:: blue and white
GPA:: 3.7 somthing i dont remember exactly
Rank In Class:: No idea..
Favorite Teacher:: Kilgore
What do they teach:: English II
Is that your favorite class:: negative


Do you use any instant messengers:: si
Which Ones:: AIM
Hours a day you spend online:: 2
Do you have a digital camera:: naw
Do you post pics online:: idk
Where at:: idk


Do you play anything:: im trying
If so, what:: guitar
3 Favorite genres of music:: anything...mostly like oldies or maybe some good emo
3 favorite bands:: The Doors, Poison, and umm...The Goo Goo Dolls
Do you go to shows/concerts::When I can
Most ever paid for a show/concert:: 60$
Least ever paid for a show/concert:: 35$
Do you think buying then wearing merchandise at a show is corny:: hell yeah
Bands you’re ashamed that you listen to:: none bitches lol

((Word Association))

Blue:: eyes
Black:: dog
Camera:: Flash
Boy:: penis
Pretty:: Misty
Girl:: friend
Pants:: Dickies
Music:: is cool
God:: umm
Satan:: umm
Sweater:: ??dont like em??
LiveJournal:: is ok
MTV:: blah
VH1:: old shit


What do you think about labels:: who cares
Why do you think that:: b/c it wont matter in 10 years and lables are too short to tell who someone really is inside...
What are you labeled as:: umm...a bitch
Why are you labeled as that:: b/c i am a bitch

((Which is Worse?))

Physical pain/Emotional pain:: Emotional
Blink 182/Good Charlotte:: Blink 182...i guess
Being Deaf/Being Blind:: Deafness
Being Bored/Being Rushed:: Rushed
Losing dominant leg/Losing dominant arm:: dominant... arm


Is there a different between being in love and love:: very much
What’s the difference:: being in love is passionate and risky and dangerous and love is so simple...ur consumed if ur in love and u can love just a friend...very diff.
Is it better to have loved and lost:: i dont think so
Are you romantic:: unfortunately yes
What is your idea of the perfect date:: being with the right person
Are you in a relationship now:: negative
If so for how long/if not, how long you been single:: umm a while
If so, what’s he/she like/name: nooone
Are you a virgin:: No Comment
If not, age/when/who was your first:: No Comment
If you are, why:: definately no comment
Who song describes your current love life:: umm...i have a song that describes my life..."I cant be your friend anymore"


War- Good or Bad:: horrible...look how many ppl die...wtf kinda ? is that?
What do you think about designer labels:: its all made in china anyways
Whose skankier- B Spears or Paris Hilton:: Paris Hilton
What is with guys and cars:: idk
Do you sing:: When no one is listening
If so, what part ((Soprano, Alto, Etc..)):: Alto
Kiss or Hug:: kiss
What color is your room:: poster colored
How old is your mom:: 36
How old is your dad:: dont know
Black and White or Color photos:: Black and White
Who cuts your hair:: noone
What color is your toothbrush:: lime green
What color is your hairbrush:: silver
What kind of hair products do you use:: John Fredia
What kind of tooth paste do you use:: Crest Extra whitening
Favorite book:: Idk...i couldnt pick.
Is K-Mart the poor man’s Wal Mart:: nope...idthink so
Are you sXe:: Deff not
Are you sexXxy:: Depends
What color do people say look good on you:: umm...blue
What color do you think looks good on you:: black
Who do you sit with at lunch:: Daniel and Steff
Who has the nicest singing voice you know:: noone...everyone sux
Best friends:: Marsh, Daniel, Steff, JAMES
What song can you never get bored with:: Iris-Goo Goo Dolls
Last person you hung out with:: Chelsea
Do you use internet short hand (i.e- jk, brb, lol):: Yeah
How often do you bathe:: every night
How often you dye your hair:: very often ;)
Do you wear makeup:: yep
Do you buy edited or unedited CDs:: Unedited
Does your mom sing “Hey Ya” by OutKast:: umm no


Favorite Comedian:: oh god...
Favorite Actor:: Johnny mother fucking Depp bitches
Favorite Actress:: hmm...Kate Beckinsale or Jennifer Garner
Favorite Director:: Quentin...bitches
Top 4 Movies:: Pulp Fiction, Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka...and Drop Dead Fred
Favorite Musical:: Grease
Favorite Play:: oh god i d k


Who do you see yourself with:: someone i love hopefully
Why:: so i dont die alone maybe?
Kids:: Maybe 3
Boys names:: Damien, Connor, Luke, Dominic, Cole, Drake, Vyktor, Vincent, Damon,
Girls names:: Eve, Seairra, Rae, Phoebe, Alyssa, Iivey, Dawn,
Where do you want to live:: NY or CA
Age to get married:: 26
Where to get married:: foreign country
Honeymoon:: France
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