Nov 18, 2008 14:52
And not so good...
Had an OB appointment today. At 36w4d, Morgan is weighing in at a whopping 7lbs, 15oz, give or take a pound. This puts her above the 90th percentile. And if she grows another half-pound up to 40 weeks, she could potentially be 11bs. This puts her at the upper limits of what could be safe to deliver vaginally, as she could end up with shoulder dystocia. I really, really don't want a c-section. I just can't imagine recovering from major surgery while dealing with a newborn! Aaaaaaaand my OB won't induce until 39 weeks. I'm also group B strep positive, which I didn't think was a huge deal, but it's more of a big deal than I initially thought!
Sigh. I'm resisting doing all of those things that can bring on labor, even though I really want to go into labor! At least my cervix is looking like it's just about ready. More effaced than it's been, and about 2cms dilated. I could stay there, but it looks more likely that I'll go into labor a little early.
I s'pose this is what I get for marrying a large man!